Chapter 18

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~Isabella's POV~

Zach decided we should get something to eat before we go back to everyone. I was craving some ice cream and so was he, so we went to an ice cream place. On the way there we jammed out to some music. We also talked and it was surprisingly not awkward due to him not remembering me. We got to the ice cream place and ordered. We then sat down and started to talk some more.

Zach: I just want to say you're a cool person and I'm sorry for not remembering you.
Isabella: It's ok Zach, really. I'm glad we got to do this. It takes my mind off of things.
Zach: I'm glad that I entertain you.

We both laughed and continued to talk and eat. We then finished and threw our trash away and headed back to the car.

Zach: Want to go the park and you know hang out some more?
Isabella: That sounds great.

We then headed to Central Park but foot since the ice cream place wasn't that far from the park. We walked around in a comfortable silence. We found a park bench and we decided to sit down. Then we started up a conversation.

Zach: Before you came to New York What did you do in LA?
Isabella: Well my parents were always away on business trips and didn't have time to take care of me and Noel. So I decided to step up and get a job and also continue doing school, so if she is having trouble with school work I can help her.
Zach: That's very cool of you. Noel's lucky to have a sister like you. I mean if I were in your shoes I don't think I could be responsible enough to take care of Ryan and Reese.
Isabella: ( smiles) Well even if you are going on tours or recording new songs or you know just in LA, you're still a good brother. I've seen it.
Zach: Thanks. That means a lot.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. I miss this. I missed him so much and it feels like I've got him back. We continued talking until it got dark. We decided to go home because the others might be worrying about us. On the way home Zach and I jammed out to all types of songs/genres. It was amazing.

We got back and went up to their hotel room. We entered and saw everyone either standing, pacing, crying or call someone. Zach looked at me confused but I just shrugged. He then decided to speak up.

Zach: Hey guys. Whatcha doing?
Everyone besides Zach and I: Zach!

Everyone ran to him and hugged him. They were asking him questions like 'are you ok?'or 'did you get hurt?' stuff like that. I stood off to the side not knowing what to do. That's when Jack noticed me and took my arm and dragged me outside without anybody knowing.

Jack: You came back?
Isabella: Yeah. Zach somehow convinced me to stay.
Jack: I'm glad he did. So, where were you two all day?
Isabella: Oh well we just went to get ice cream. Then we went to Central Park and walked around. We then sat down and talked.
Jack: Sooo like a date?
Isabella: Well.. no it's...
Jack: So a date?

Was it a date? Now that I think about it, it kinda was a date. Hmm.

Isabella: I guess it kinda was a date. I didn't realize until now.
Jack: I think you just were happy that you got to spend time with him that you didn't realize that there were other people on this earth.

We both laughed as I playfully shoved him.

Isabella: Yeah yeah. Anyways I should go. Aunt Skye put me on babysitting duty.
Jack: Of course. I'll tell the others where you are. And I'll bring your stuff tomorrow. Since it is in Zach's car and we want him to rest.
Isabella: Right yeah. I'll see you tomorrow.

We hugged and then Jack went inside as I went to call a cab. I was about to hit the call button when Uncle Adam started to call me. I was confused on why he was calling me.

Phone Convo:

A: Hey Kiddo.
I: Hey uncle Adam. What's up?
A: I just saw your stuff missing and wondering where you might have gone.
I: Oh um I was about to go back to LA but a friend stopped me.
A: Because of Noel?
I: ... Yeah. I just.. I can't leave her. No matter what drama comes my way. She'll always be my number 1 priority.
A: That's good. I'm glad you're taking care of her. You're are the mother she never had.
I: ( sighs) Yeah. Anyways I'm heading home now. So I'll see you in a bit.
A: Alright kiddo see ya soon. Stay safe.
I: Bye
A: Bye

End of Phone Convo

I ended the call and started to call a cab when I heard someone behind me. I turned and saw Mia. I sighed and put my phone away. I looked at her so she can start talking.

Mia: I just want to apologize for what I said to you earlier. I never meant to hurt you or cause you to leave.
Isabella: ( sighs) Thank you for that apology but I'm not going to accept it.
Mia: What? Why?
Isabella: Because Mia, What you said really hurt me and I almost left Noel again. I never want to leave her. Ever. So just.. just give me time to be on my own for now and then maybe we can have this conversation again.
Mia: Ok I understand, take all the time you need.

With that Mia turned around and went back to the room. I sighed and finally called a cab. It took a while but I finally made it home. I got ready for bed and turned off my phone. After that I went to see if the kids were asleep and they are. So I went to my room and got into bed then fell asleep, not knowing what to expect tomorrow.

~ Author's Note~
Hoped you all enjoyed. I'll try to update more frequently.

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