Chapter 15

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~ Isabella's POV~

As Jack and I's laughter dies down we heard a knock on my door. I looked and saw that it was Mia. I rolled my eyes.

Isabella: I don't wanna talk to you.
Mia: I know why you're like this.
Isabella: Why?
Mia: You miss Austin don't you? He's your puzzle piece and without him.. you feel worthless.
Isabella: No I don't.
Mia: Yes you do. I know why you treat Jack like a brother because he's like Austin.
Jack: Really?
Mia&Isabella: 100 percent.
Mia: You even just admitted it.
Isabella: Did not.
Mia: Did to.
Isabella: All I knew is that was gonna for since he got diagnosed with it. That's a thing I never told anyone.

Then Noel comes out of nowhere.

Noel: are you guys talking about Austin.
Isabella: Noel....
Noel: You knew he was gonna die?
Isabella: Noel.. yes I did.
Noel: I was the only one who didn't know.
Isabella: Noel, I wanted to tell you but mom said not to.
Noel: Screw Mom! She never cared about us.
Isabella: she does too.
Noel: No she doesn't. Why do you think she doesn't say " I love you" it's because she doesn't. She loved Austin but but he's gone—

Then Daniel comes rushing into the room. Corbyn runs in with him.

Mia: What is it?

Daniel: Jonah, Jacque and Zach got into an accident.

Just then my whole world stopped. My whole body went numb. I couldn't move and I couldn't hear anything. I felt tears threatening to spill but I couldn't wipe them away. I tried to process this new information but all I keep thinking about is Zach's and I conversation at the hospital.

This was my fault. I caused this. I knew I shouldn't have came back. I couldn't get out of the trance I was in until I felt someone shake me. I finally moved and looked to see Mia and Noel.

Mia: Izzy.. come on we have to go to the hospital. The boys are waiting in the car.

I saw that she was crying and Noel was too. I got up and grabbed my phone and my car keys.

Isabella: I'll meet you there. I have to go and um.. get something.
Mia: ( sighs) Ok. Be careful. Stay safe
Isabella: You too.

We then hugged tightly. Then she pulled away and took Noel's hand and dragged her downstairs and into the car. I made sure that they left and went to my car. As soon as I got in I broke down. I didn't want anyone to see me cry because I wanted to be strong for Noel.

After a while, I started the car and headed towards the hospital not knowing what to expect. As I got there I saw everyone in the waiting room cry or just sitting there. Then the girls saw me but did nothing. Then Anna came up to me and out of nowhere she slapped me. Mia came rushing up and held Anna back. I stood there, shocked.

Anna: You did this!! You caused this!! You don't deserve to be here!! Get out!!

I then started to cry. Knowing what she said is true. Then Mia and Daniel went to talk to her somewhere else. Noel came up to me and tried to hug me but I stepped back.

Isabella: I um... She's right. I shouldn't... I shouldn't be here. I... I caused this to happen.

Sydnie: No you didn't. You weren't the one drunk driving. You didn't tell that driver to hit them. You did nothing wrong.

She then hugged me. I hugged back tightly, crying in her shoulder. I didn't want to but I have to let my emotions out. I couldn't hold them in anymore. Then Mia came back and went up to us. Sydnie pulled away and gave me a sad smile which I returned. With that she walked back to where she was and Mia came up to me.

Mia: Hey, don't worry ok. They are all fine. I talked to the doctor in the hall and he said that nothing major happened. Just a few cuts and bruises.
Isabella: That's good.
Jack: Can we see them?
Mia: Um yes but only Jonah and Jacque.
Noel: What about Zach?

I could tell Mia was a bit hesitant about telling us.

Isabella: What is it Mia? Tell us, please.
Mia: The doctor said that Zach has amnesia. But it's not temporary.

We all were shocked about the new information that was given to us.

Corbyn: How long back does he remember?
Mia: Doctor said about a year. Maybe less.
Isabella: So before he met me.
Daniel: Before he met Mia and all that stuff went down.
Jack: Dang..

We all stood there silently not knowing what to do. Sydnie then spoke up, saying we should go see them. We all agreed and split up into groups. Noel, Mia, Jack and I went to go see Jacque. They rest went to see Jonah. We decided to give Zach rest before we ambush him with everything and everyone.

We went to Jacque's room and saw she was awake looking at the tv. She looks at us as we enter. I can't tell what her emotions were but I know she isn't happy with me.

Jacque: What are you doing here?
Jack: Jacque please. She did not cause all of this.
Jacque: Yes she did! (Sighs) I'm sorry for yelling. I'm a bit tired.
Noel: Should we leave you to rest?
Jacque: Please don't I'm bored and I want the company.

They then started to talk but I couldn't bring myself to talk with them. I then sneaked out of the room and went to Zach's. I knocked and hear a 'come in'. I opened the door and walked in the room. I closed the door behind me and sighed. Time to face the music.

~ Author's Note~
I'm sorry if Anna was a jerk. It was just apart of the story. I don't think she is like that in real life. Hoped you enjoyed.

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