Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!! I just wanted to say that I'm slowly working on my books. Please have mercy on my mistakes. Enjoy the new trailer and new photos that are coming.


Taylor is saying goodbye to everyone and me. This past summer was a test for us. Everything that happened these past few months has made us stronger.

Before I go on, let me go back to the beginning of summer...

The sun shined down on Taylor and me as we walked to the beach. Everyone looked at us like we were best friends, but in reality, we were more than that. If they knew the truth, we wouldn't be able to be here.

"Hey want to play volleyball," A girl asked Taylor while checking him out. He smiled and turn to look at me for permission.

He knew already that it was a no. "Next time,¨He said turning around to smile down on me. My beautiful-gorgeous fit and handsome man is mine only.

This girl probably wants him on her team, because of how fit he is. Taylor was a skinny and lanky until he decided to try out for the army. He is almost close to Dwayne Johnson fit body type now.

"Let's go for some dinner," He said pulling my arm towards him, I love hugging him. This place is so packed and Taylor does not seem to mind but I do. He is probably used to loud sounds by now from being in the army.

Taylor is so beautiful, his blue light eyes, his big smile, and that little scar he has in his left eyebrow. Everything from my guy is perfect except that haircut he has. He went to this little barbershop and almost left him bald.

After dinner, we both walked together back to the hotel, and we hugged each other the whole night.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I walked down to the beach, after checking the whole hotel for him and there he was playing volleyball. He had a white shirt on with tight red shorts.

The girl next to him was the same girl from yesterday. When she padded him on the butt, I lost it completely. "Can I play," I shouted. They all looked at me and Taylor knew something was up.

He came up to me closely and said, "You hate sports," The way he leaned close to me, made me think he wanted a kiss. I was wrong, He leaned back just when I was about to kiss him. The memories of the beginning of us came back to me.

A few minutes later he appeared right in front of me. He looked down on me worried. "Are you going to kiss me or should I go look for my boyfriend?," His head reached down but I stopped it on time and walked away.

"Hey, can we talk?. I saw what happened," A guy says to me pulling my arm.

"Everything is fine," I'm not in the mood for anyone right now. The guy follows me to the entrance of the hotel. "What do you want," My head is hurting and he won't stop following me.

"He's straight, I can tell. You are gay and you are only going to get hurt. I'm gay and if you want to hang out just text me," He says nervously when Taylor appears behind me. ¨I'm Jack and you are?" Taylor is staring at Jack as if he is ready to kill him.

I'm so glad Jack has decided to walk away from us. This whole situation would have ended badly.

"What did he want," Taylor speaking to me this way scares me. When he gets mad it is impossible to calm him down.

"He wanted to play volleyball." With that, I walk away leaving him with his anger alone.

Taylor has not said a word to me ever since. We have said only three words barely at this moment. I have no idea why he is that mad. I was the one who was rejected in front of everyone at the beach, not him.

Jack might have made a point back there when he said, "You are only going to get hurt," Taylor will never be out fully and it's going to be like this always.

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