Chapter 27

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The whole barbecue day is true and this is how it really went. Taylor called me to invite to his cookout. I still don't know how he got my number. He said all his army crew would be there tonight.

I decided to say yes, because Steve was not here that day. Sunday's are very boring to me and usually very tiring. Before I went to the cookout, I decided to take some chips for them. When I saw Taylor and Nicole shopping across me. He looked so sexy with his short hair messed up and all lazy dressed up. I had never seen him like this before.

Nicole did see me but ignored me while she walked past me. Taylor was talking to Kimberly close to the register, I was at. When he saw me, I waved hi and Kimberly waved right back.

He came to make sure I was going to his cookout. "I'm taking chips is this enough," I said while paying. Before he was about to answer me Nicole appeared behind him and said, "What did I say about talking to strangers."He laughed and left with her leaving Kimberly with me. Who gave me money to pay for her so she could be ahead.

I decided to pay for her because she has always been so nice to me. When I got to the apartment everyone was already in the back. Taylor was trying to flip the meat and Nicole was cleaning. Kimberly was inside getting everything and I just stood there.

When Taylor turns to see me and says," if I were you I wouldn't eat". I thought he was trying to be funny but then I saw why. He dropped each patty and everything on the grass.

When the night began, all his crew started to get there. I met each one of them Max, Kellup, Julian,Sean, Ashton and Austin. They were all so cool, and really funny too. Taylor talked about the two guys they lost on the day of the bridge. How hard it must be to be in a place when you might die at any moment.

The days when Taylor would leave, I would worry that he wouldn't come back. Sometimes I try to imagine Nicole's life with him. This must be hard for her but something tells me she doesn't even care.

The whole Kimberly super drunk in my story is also true. I went inside because I saw Ashton go behind her. When I went inside she was on the floor with puke all over her. He helped put her on the sofa. We called Taylor which came right in quickly to see her.

He made fun of her for a moment, before Nicole came in mad. Taylor asked her what was wrong and she said,"she can't stay here okay." Nicole was so stupid that night how could she say that.

Taylor looked really frustrated that night and I want it to help. I decided to bring Kimberly with me to my dorm. Taylor agreed and helped me put her in my car.

The next morning I received a call from him asking about Kimberly. She had already left before I had woken up that day. Taylor kept repeating thanks to me and even invited me to shoot that day.

I had never used a gun before in my life, so it was so awesome. He taught me how to shoot correctly and laughed because I couldn't even shoot. The whole morning we spent together shooting and it was so much fun. We even had a whole conversation about gun safety on our way back. 

I told him now that I was alone, and I should get one but he said no. He said I needed more practice but that I should eventually do. While he drove me back to campus, I imagined many scenarios in my head. The one where he's looking down at me at the beach and the kiss under the rain. I smiled so big that he laughed and said,"someone really liked using a gun today." I laughed and opened the door before saying thanks to him.

He drove away and I ran inside to type more for my story. When I didn't notice I had fallen asleep. If Steve never came into my room I would've slept the whole day. And wouldn't have been able to graduate.

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