Chapter 3

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August 14,2018

Austin, Texas is now my home, after two almost months living here. Everything that happened in the summer was no longer relevant anymore. My college response is here after waiting almost a whole year for it. The sun is out and everyone is alll excited for being the weekend. I on the other hand, I'm excited about my response.

Just when I'm about to cross to get the mail. I see him standing across the street close to the mail,

¨Taylor what are you doing here.¨ He looks really good in his uniform!

¨I heard you were here and want it to see you.¨He says looking down at his feet and when he does that it means his ashamed.

¨I'm going for something to eat, "I tell him walking in front of him and hoping he will follow me. We walk about two blocks and finally find a place to eat. The place is small but it's perfect because there are no people. Taylor and I can talk things out.

"Are you on a mission?"I asked picking up the menu.

"Yes. You are the mission." He says pulling the menu from my face. 

"Mission Impossible."

We both laugh and spend the rest of the day just talking. I love to hear his stories from when he goes on missions. They usually have something funny in them from his crew.

This girl keeps staring at him, while he talks and it's making me mad. " looks like someone likes what they see." He looks around until he notices the girl still staring at him. The smirk he has on is probably from the memory of how easily jealous I get.

"Well too bad for her."He says taking one last bite of his hamburger. The way he chews and just everything he does is so sexy to me. My eyes can't take themselves off this gorgeous guy, I have eating in front of me.

We are leaving and I'm kind of mad from him paying. He would constantly argue with wanting to pay. He does not get that I am able to pay for us too. This is the only time I'm letting that go because he just made me laugh.

He just opened the door for me and whispered: "Ladies first." Well, this perfect night has ended and it's time to say our goodbyes. Just when I'm about to say goodbye, he pushes me back to the restaurant's wall. And kisses me like he has never done before.

The way he kissed me was the first time I ever felt something. Our kisses were always small and normal. This kiss was hard and passionate. His tongue went in my mouth and his hands were all over me. 

"See you tomorrow," He says giving me a kiss on the forehead before walking away.

This morning, I have the biggest headache from not being able to sleep yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss or him. My face could tell you, I was not having it today at all and it was barely 8 am.

"Flowers," Taylor says making me jump from behind. He really is trying to say sorry to me and it was about time.

"Thank you, friend." He lets a small laugh out and just when he's about to say something. A truck appears and it's his army crew. The crew scream to him to hurry up but he stands there looking at me. When I push him to go and watch as he leaves with them.

The next day, he surprises me with coffee. I show him the whole campus while we talk about us. Everyone here seems to be surprised by a soldier walking around here because they have not stopped staring. Taylor is really enjoying this and somehow I am too.

My new friend Zack has interrupted us, by coming with some papers. I tell him thanks and Taylor's face goes serious. "I barely met him yesterday and we are just friends." 

He rolls his eyes and takes a hold of me tightly,"Does he know you have a boyfriend." He says and I begin to laugh. Taylor has to be joking right?

"Last time I checked I don't," I tell him pushing him off me.

"Well you do, I'm your boyfriend." He says grabbing my waist to kiss me. And for the first time, I'm loving our kisses. Taylor really has let himself go in our kisses now. He has never kissed me this way in public. When suddenly we are interrupted by his army crew from yesterday.

The guys wooh at him and I turn myself around from being embarrassed. Taylor had finally kissed me in front of people and not just any people. His army group which they look like a group college jock-jerks.

One week later... We have been spending every day together for the past few days. That- now his sister Kimberly, has invited me for lunch. She says there is a lot of things she has to talk to me about Taylor. When we finally get to the restaurant, she begins to talk about when he came back from our trip. She says he wouldn't come out of his room or eat at all. And that he wouldn't even sleep inside. She said he had told everyone he was in love with another dude. And that he got beat by that. Kimberly says they were sent home and that Taylor was really injured.

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