Chapter 26

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The night I began typing my story, An Unusual Love. I remember I was sitting down on his bed. I was looking at all the pictures he left behind. The beach scene came from a photo he had. Taylor was wearing nothing but these red tight shorts playing volleyball.

I grabbed each photo from his bullet board and made up a scene from each. The next day, I had typed almost all the first story. A few days later, I finished it at night and began typing the second one.

The Unusual War did happen, it was all over the news. I remember they told us to stay at home and safe. The janitor gave me a key to the campus because I was the only one staying. Everyone who came had to open with a key for safety.

The whole situation of a war attack, lasted a whole week almost. A bridge from here had fallen in half. I remember seeing millions of people on one side of the bridge, trying to cross to the other side. They had the army people on the other side and they just want it to be together. This is where the whole bridge thing idea came from.

The news had a story the next day of a couple from that day. A girl jumped the bridge and landed on the point when it was falling. Her boyfriend got her before she fell with it and they kissed like in a movie.

When Taylor and I kissed in the story, I really did imagine us like that.

An Unusual LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя