Chapter 31

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Today is graduation day and I feel very relieved after so long. These people don't know how much I needed this day to come. Steve looks so calm now since I took him to that skating park.

Nicole is still on my mind just like Taylor and other things. The first thing on my mind is that my family won't be here. I decided not to invite them. They would be so embarrassing if they did and I'm not close to them either way.

Steve did invite his whole family and they are all here. His grandparents, cousins, uncles and just everyone. He really want it everyone here today.

The whole ceremony lasted three hours before they began calling us. When we finished I noticed Steve with all his family very happy. They looked so proud and he had such a big smile on his face. Steve and I have promised to check on each other at times. 

This is a goodbye to the school but not to him or to Taylor. My laptop will come back to me someday I'm sure of it. I'm going back to my dorm, one last time to pack up my things.

A letter is on my bed and I know who is it from

The letter reads:

I took your laptop by mistake, I will return it soon.


The excitement I feel that he didn't read the stories. My whole body feels loose and I could finally smile again. I walked out that room feeling like another person. Steve is even looking at me weird right now. "he didn't read the stories." I tell him and with a hug, we say our goodbyes.

This moment has to be the second-best moment of the day.

"Congratulations graduate," Taylor! He is here.

"Thank you, "I say barely being able to speak. He looks bigger than before. His hair is longer and he looks so good with his army uniform.

"Do you want to go eat," he asks not taking his eyes off me."Sure."How could I say no to him, after everything that has happened? This might be a coincidence but this is the same restaurant as my story.

"I read them all," he says looking right at me. This is the moment I was waiting for." Taylor, it was all for an assignment," I tell him almost crying. When the waitress interrupts us with what we want."Two hamburgers," he says looking back at me.

The way he is looking at me is making me more nervous."You got divorced," I ask him trying to change the conversation. He answers me yes but changes the conversation back. "How did you come up with the story and why me?" he asks grabbing his plate from the waitress.

The waitress hands me my plate and disappeared quickly. He repeats the question again and this time I'm forced to answer. When he says,

"let's go," He's probably really mad at me. I never felt so ashamed in my life before. How I wish Steve was here to come and save me.

Taylor opens the door for me and what happened next........Well you know already know.

                            This is An Unusual Ending not for you but for me.

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