Chapter 25

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The Unusual War, the second part of my delusional story. Taylor did send me a letter a few days later it said:

Dear Mr.Garza

I would like to thank you for everything. You where a cool roommate to have. I'm married now so the room is all yours.

Have a good life


The letter from my story is such a joke, I couldn't even believe it. I never felt so lonely like I did on those days, that I received his letter. The whole change my last name, of course, is a lie but he did call the school. He called to help me with my insurance which I have no idea why he did that.

The whole school knew and Steve was still surprised by it all. He honestly began to think we had something going on. I explained everything to him and he believed me thankfully.

The rest of the evening I spent writing him back I wrote:

Dear Army Guy,

Thank you for helping me with my school's insurance. The dorm is yours if you ever do come back. I wish you the best in your marriage.


Two weeks later I received a response from him saying:

Thanks, roommate by the looks of it, I will be back soon.


When I opened the letter, I kept reading it over and over. He said he would be coming back soon. I wonder if he meant to school or the dorm. Nicole probably is making him very unhappy, I doubt if she is not.

The whole Valentines day is the most delusional thing ever. Taylor would never give me a bear or a chocolate cake. This brought me back to when I caught him eating a whole chocolate cake. He said,"."I want it something sweet," winking at me. We spent the whole night laughing that day.

I still remember when he also brought two glasses of milk to the room. He said if I want it one and I told him "no" and he just laughed. When I asked me what was so funny he said, "You had enough milk."I laughed because it was such a terrible nasty joke.

Taylor sometimes would be in such a good mood and it was very strange. The whole situation of us the day after is a blurr. When he got arrested the whole school knew and it was even on the news.

They said he attacked an old man outside a restaurant, which I found unbelievable. The news also said this army person would be grounded. Everyone at school gossiped so many things about that night.

Steve and I where together that night, we had gone to the movies. We pass through the scene and I remember the rain was so hard. If Taylor was there it was impossible to have seen him.

The next day I did leave to New Jersey because my mother needed me. She said it was something very upsetting that I must know. When I got home I did notice something was wrong.

My father had left her and everyone without saying a word. The confession from my story is way better than the real one. My mother had caught my father with another man almost doing it. My brother and sister don't know that and I have promised never to tell.

My mother thinks that is the reason I 'm gay. The whole leaving part was true, I left that same night, my dad made me his confession. The confrontation I had with my mother in the story did happen. I still regret talking to her that way before leaving.

The whole camp thing in my story was actually a nightmare. I dreamed that night of an army camp. The whole small tenths where holed and they where soldiers bleeding all over the place. Taylor did appear out of nowhere in my dream and he looked horrible.

 He was bleeding and had cuts all over his face. Everything in the dream felt so real even when he kissed me.

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