Chapter 14

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Steve has let me borrow his car to go to the bridge, where Taylor is at. This car is brand new but he said it was for my happiness and that it was fine. When I finally get to the bridge, I'm stopped by a bunch of police men and people. One of them just yelled at me to go back but I'm not going to.

When I get down from the car, everyone turns to look at me. These people here just want to get close to their loved ones and I do too. We have the right to fight for them, just like they do for us.

"1,2,3," A little girl whispers next to me while she takes my hand. Everyone starts running towards the other side of the bridge. The policemen are all on the ground screaming for us to stop.

The moment everyone gets to the bridge, I can feel it breaking. When suddenly it starts falling and I'm standing close to the tip. Someone screams at me but I'm lost looking at Taylor. "You almost fell at me," he says carrying me in his arms.

We kiss for a moment and take in everything that just happen. He laughs amused while he kisses my forehead. This the man I fought for and it was worth it...

                 This unusual war has ended here with us together again.

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