Chapter 11

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May 3,

These past few days, I have been staying here at my dorm. My roommate is here today and that is my cue. I hate to be going back but who knows right, he can be home already.

Kimberly just called like 11th times to check up on me. Which makes me think maybe she is worried too. We are both the closest people to him and we would die if something happened to him.

"Are you okay, "The question I have been asked all day. This time is from Steve which makes it okay."Yes, I am okay Steve."

When I walked out from campus, he walked right behind me. Steve said I couldn't walk this late, it's barely 6 o'clock. He has insisted to give me a ride home and I couldn't say no.

"Taylor and you seem to be doing fine," he says walking inside after me. Taylor claims Steve wants me to change my mind about him. Even if tries, I love Taylor no matter what.

"How's your love life, "I ask him walking into my room. And he stays still at the door and with his head down, Steve says "The person I like is already taken." He says walking away from the door.

"Steve don't leave okay. I know you like me and I really did want it to try. But Taylor is and has always been the love of my life. You are the most gorgeous and sweetest guy ever. The right guy will come soon but it's not me," I tell him face to face.

When he grabs my face and stares at me for a moment. This the moment I knew would happen. He's going to kiss me and I'm going to have to say no. When he moves and walks out the door leaving speechless.

This things that happened between Steve and me worry me. Taylor did so much damage to me and I'm doing the same thing to Steve. I hate to admit but something inside me , want it to kiss him. 

The whole night I couldn't stop thinking or dreaming of Taylor. When will I ever see him and feel happy again here? Kimberly has not called me at all and it's been days. She probably knows something that I don't.

May 13th,

The news is talking about soldier's coming in from all over the world. We are getting soldier's from every country and requesting more. This situation is out of control I wondered if there are more like me. Spouses worried about their husbands and wives not coming home.

The movies always have a straight typical couple. We never see a same-sex couple of any kind. Taylor said he knew a lot of gay soldiers in the army. I wonder if they have someone that waits for them.

My class is about to start and I'm still here in the apartment. Steve would be outside waiting for me if yesterday hadn't happened. When I opened the door there he is standing looking at me.

Taylor his here, and I'm not dreaming anymore. He is here and barely with strength to even walk. I have never seen him like this, with so many scars and blood stains on him. We kissed instantly but stay face to face for a moment. When He takes a breath and laughs softly. "You missed me that much," Taylor says barely even able to breathe. 

 I take him inside and directly to our bedroom. Taylor starts to undress and I can't help but cry. His body is full of scars and that is too much for me. He says it's normal in the army but is it?! My beautiful husband is so strong and at the same time so fragile. When he was about to get on top of me, I switched places with him. He looked confused at me for a second but then laid back flat on the bed. I began kissing his whole body slowly, and I could tell he was relaxing.

This moments of us alone in our bedroom are the best. We can talk for hours and not get bored. He tells me some of his experiences and I tell him about my classes. Taylor is a great listener and always wants to have sex.

We have done it three times already and usually, we do it twice only.

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