Chapter 4

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September 1st,2018

A month later of my life with Taylor......

The sky is gray today but nothing is stopping me from smiling. Taylor waiting for me with a sunflower in his hand from the corner of the street. He looks so handsome right now wearing that green button open shirt. I have never seen him dressed this way, so it's kind of surprising to me. We have plan to walk around the city today to spend some time together.

He is leaving in a couple of weeks already, and I'm not ready for him to leave. I hate that he has to leave but that's how it is when you are in the army.

The next day,

Kimberly has picked me up to go to their apartment. She says he is still asleep but she want it me to come. After, looking at photos from when he was little, I hear him walking behind us.

"Are you moving in already." He says with a smirk, standing wearing nothing but boxers. Kimberly covers her eyes while she yells at him to go change. We both laugh at her and she yells again.

A few minutes later, Taylor appears behind us again, "Can you leave my boyfriend alone thanks."He says grabbing my arm and pulling up from the sofa.

"Where are we going?"I ask because he looks like his on the rush. We walk to this huge basketball park and it's the same one from the photos. He has been coming here since he was small. 

He throws the ball at me and I show him my moves. "I had no idea that you knew how to play basketball." He says surprised by moves and shot.

"I don't, "I say grabbing the ball from the ground. When he takes me by surprise with a very hard kiss on the lips. After, we play for a little it's time for me to go back to campus. This day was quite amazing with him.

The next day, A girl comes up to me and it happens to be the girl that ruined Taylor. She told everyone he was a fag, for not sleeping with her until he did it. Taylor had to sleep with her in order to stop the rumors and bullying. He has never had a break and I never expected him to live such a hard life.

"I guess you must feel bad right. He was gay the whole time and you slept with him." I tell her and her mouth goes wide. Taylor suddenly appears behind me and pulls me away from her.

"You told her baby."He says laughing and hugging from behind. When we got back to the apartment, he tells Kimberly everything. She stands up and runs towards me to hug me. She did say they hated her.

"Well, I have to go do my homework," I turn to look at Taylor who now has a frow. Kimberly is insisting I spend the night here. Taylor asked me earlier and I thought he was joking. How could I say no to both of them? When we finally finished my assignment it was already 1 am. Kim got up and went to her room while Taylor stayed waiting for me.

"Let's go to bed," He says with a big smile on his face. Taylor probably is thinking of having sex or something. "This would be the first time, I actually get to kiss a guy in my bed," He says which makes me laugh super loud. 

The next day, in class as I pull out my papers, a note falls from my notebook and it says:

"Hey weird guy

I love you

you are mine"


Taylor is really making up for everything that happened.

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