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Steve has been with me these past weeks, trying to see how I cope. He says everything will be fine, but I can't let go of what happened. Every day the teachers remind of my laptop and it reminds of Taylor.

They are both gone and I need them both right now. Steve has lent me his and has made some bad jokes about it. He's trying so hard to make me feel better.

I'm loosing so much weight from not eating. The days are eternal for me. We are barely in November and I can't wait for December. My graduation is December 12th, and it feels so far away.

This Thanksgiving day, I'm leaving again to fix things with my mom. The bigger reason is to distract myself but I don't know if I should. Steve is going out of town with his cousins and I wish he would invite me.

The quicker I can get out of this place the better it will be. I keep dreaming of Taylor every night. I just have to know the truth and end all this. 

My story got chosen by the teacher as the best one. She probably did this on purpose because she knows Taylor. I was the only roommate he ever had. His older than everyone but the army has given him a chance to finish college.

His very smart actually but the army is a busy place to be in. They leave without a notice and don't come back on a certain day. I have no idea what I should do, to forget all this I'm so tired.

Thanksgiving Day,

Steve and I are going to San Antonio, Texas for Thanksgiving. He has ditched his cousins for me. I wrote a letter apologizing to my mother and everyone for not going. This is what I need it him and me on an adventure.

When we finally got to S.A, he took me to the river walk. We went into so many stores, I got dizzy. Every store was packed by families and couples.

We decided to eat at Olive Garden because we both don't like turkey. Steve and I are so alike in so many ways, except he's not gay. Everyone thinks he is because he has never had a girlfriend. The truth is he got broken by one and that's why he only focuses on school.

He's the best straight friend any gay guy can have in the world. What kind of guy would help a gay guy with all this. Who would let down their cousins for someone their friend?

  Steve is a dream like I said in the story and I'm glad to call him my friend.

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