Chapter 22

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When my acceptance letter from Pennsylvania came. He was here and I told him I didn't want to go anymore. He told me if it was my dream then to go for it. When I went to the office to cancel my request someone had come already. The secretary told me, my roommate had come to make sure I didn't cancel it.

Why would Taylor do that is the question, but I don't have the answer to it. Taylor did invite me to go skiing once or something but a long time ago. Will doesn't even exist it was Steve, who invited me to the movie. I guess I should stop watching telenovela's from now on.

Taylor and his army did show up at the outside movie. He did hug one of the men from his crew very tight. This two things at least did happen that night. When I was getting a pretzel he did stare at Steve and me.

His crew did booh at me, but for dropping his hot dog or something. When I was in line to the restroom he was behind me."This line is moving fast,"he said desperately to pee.I wonder where he went to the restroom?. When I came out he was not waiting anymore and I rushed for him that night.

The Thanksgiving day, in the story, did happen sadly. My mother threatened me to go this year. I did separate from my family but I had my reasons. They were such a typical family and I was the bad sheep.

The Christmas party night did happen but way more different of course. Steve did pick me up very early and never told me it was his party. He did grab my hand,  but as a joke and pretended we were together.

Everyone did stare at us laughing, all night but because of him. They all knew this was a joke and I was going along with it. When in reality I actually felt like everything was real and I had a guy finally.

The Paul guy was at the party and he did ask me if I was Taylor's roommate. He said Taylor also asked if I was at the party which makes wonder why?.

People that never had spoken to me did talk to me the next day. I had girls invite me to things and guys, who asked if I played sports. I actually felt like I was in the in-crowd for a moment. This only lasted two days if I can remember from all this.

Taylor did appear when I was walking with Steve outside of class. He said, "so now you are going out to parties? ," looking at Steve like in my story.

When we walked back to the dorm, he did take off his shirt. He is so beautiful everything from him is a masterpiece. The body he has is so perfect and not exaggerated or anything. He looked so good in those jeans he had on that day.

Being his roommate and him knowing I'm gay, I wonder why he didn't care. If it was another guy, he wouldn't have changed in front of me or spoken to me. Taylor did all the time when he came back from the army.

When he pulled me to kiss me that is not the way things happened. He was changing and I tried not to look at him, so I tripped on his bag. Taylor grabbed me and pulled me towards him. His muscles almost squished my whole body but I couldn't react.

"Thanks for grabbing me before you know, "I said taking my hands off from his body. He laughed that day and said your welcome with a big smile. He made act so awkwardly in front of him, which I am but not that much.

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