Chapter 7

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New Years Eve...

Today is New Year's Eve and Taylor is taking me to a party. One of his friends from the army is having one tonight. I have never met any of his friends before so this is new.

¨Red is for love you know,¨I tell him while button up my redshirt. He laughs and pulls me toward him"I already have love."He says before kissing me after the billion time.

When we get to the party all you can see is smoke and hear loud rock music."Army guys theme," I joke to him while he walks in front of me."You want it, Miley Cyrus," he answers back opening a gate.

"Welcome, the couple of the year," A tall Abercrombie dude says. This guy is huge and looks like Jared Padalecki but hotter. For a second, I thought Taylor was going to hit him, but instead they are goofing around. They look like little kids playing and it is so cute.

"You will get used them," A pretty blonde girl says."I'm Nicole, Tom's wife. He's the guy playing with your boyfriend right now."I laugh and towards them playing on the grass.

"So how did yall meet", Jared Padalecki asks Taylor. "We were in school together but never spoke until one of his friends was dating me. He was all over me and I fell for him at the end." He clearly is lying but I will let it pass.

The real story is we did meet by a friend and I did like him. Taylor was very hot and nice to me but he was dating my friend. We spent one whole summer together until he found out I liked him. One month later we started the affair and spent every day together.

The clock is about hit midnight and I need to use the restroom. I should have not drunk this much. When I walk inside, I'm captured by a small photo at the entrance. A photo of Nicole and Taylor too close. This means they probably dated, I wonder if her boyfriend knows.

After finally being able to react, I walk outside. The clock has already hit midnight and everyone is already screaming. When I see Nicole hugging Taylor and not letting go of him. She wants to play dirty, so can I. Tom luckily comes to hug me and I grab a hold of him until Taylor notices. 

I smile at him, and he suddenly pulls me towards him. Nicole watches us mad, as he kisses me in front of everyone. They all cheered for us and the memory of fourth of July comes back to me. How jealous I was from Jack's relationship and look at me now. 

Everything was going fine, I guess until now. He has been so quiet and we are almost to his apartment. "Are you tired," He does not even look tired but his silence is killing me.

"Are you jealous." He answers back and with that, I know he is okay.

"If you where straight I would be baby," I tell him getting off the car and walking towards his door. When he rushes behind to hug and kiss me. He opens the door and we land on his sofa without breaking the kiss. We move to his room and he begins to undress. "You can't get pregnant right," He asks grabbing my stomach.

"No, I can't stupid this is from food," I tell him with a slap on his chest. He gives me one last kiss before he falls asleep.

The next day I decided to wake up early, to make breakfast. When his phone starts to vibrate

Unknown text: Great show yesterday

with that cream puff

This is Nicole, I can tell because she wouldn't stop staring at us yesterday. My text to her will be very clear:

I'm sorry we are having

sex for the fourth time

Go back to Tom

-Cream puff

When Taylor suddenly appears out of nowhere behind me. He knows I can't see him without a shirt! "Where is my phone,"He asks barely awake. I give him his phone and wait for him to read the messages. He leaves to the room and then comes back laughing towards me.

"Baby, ignore her and so fourth time? , "He says pulling me towards him. And we end up having it again and again.

Taylor suddenly then begins to tell me what happened, between Nicole and him. He says she was in love with him for a long time, but he never liked her. I have no idea why he decided to tell me but I'm glad he did.

"Thanks for telling me," I tell him and follow him to his backyard. Taylor looks so hot right now with those tight jeans. His muscle shirt almost rips from his big arms. His teasing me right now by pretending to pick up something.

"Nice tree up there Taylor," I tell him looking up at the huge tree in the corner. When he turns around and says "don't you mean ass." He knows I was checking him out like always.

Everything that happened in these past months has disappeared. We are in a New Year, and in a new moment in our lives. Taylor and I are very much in love like in the beginning. We have decided to get married in a few days...

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