Chapter 30

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December 1st

Twelve days left, before Steve and I graduate from this place. The memory of the first day comes back to me. I met Steve in the office while he was waiting for his schedule. He still laughs about how I came in running.

My alarm on my phone did not ring in that morning. I rushed and changed quickly. The gray t-shirt, I was wearing was so old but went along with my old blue jeans. Steve has never forgotten that day.

The way Taylor and I met you kind of already know. I was walking back to campus when he said hi. He told me he was my roommate and explained how he would only stay sometimes. I can leave with the memory of meeting two amazing guys at this place.

The next days went on by quick, not even letting me think of Taylor. My nerves from him reading my story where no longer in me. Steve has been keeping me busy by going shopping for clothes. He says he wants us to look good the day of the graduation.

Steve is tall and charming with really nice curly hair. How could he think he would look bad. He's also very fit but is because he's so energetic. The one who needs help is me, I look like a gay without style.

The day is getting closer and closer every day. Before we notice is going to be graduation day. Today we are four days away from it...

Steve is the one nervous now but because he's giving a speech. He never told me because he said I would laugh at him. Steve stutters just by talking to someone he doesn't know. He will be talking to a lot of parents and students that day.

This time it was my turn to help him distract himself. I invited him to go to a skate park, I know he loves to skate. When he got there he was so excited, Steve literally ran towards the park.

When I was about to follow him, I noticed Nicole there. She was with another guy holding each other. How could she cheat on Taylor! I walked on quickly before she could notice me but it was too late.

"Hey Miguel," she yelled. "My name is Michael," I said looking at the guy next to her. "Your fucking roommate left me," she said while drinking a whole beer. Taylor left her but he never told me?. Steve kept calling me from a distance but I couldn't move. Nicole is not cheating on him after all. 

                                               Taylor has left her but why or for who?.

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