Chapter 2

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Taylor still sleeping, I'm going for a walk on the beach. I leave quietly when I hear him behind me:

"You couldn't wait up for me," He says while putting his shirt on. We walk together but not one of us says a word. 

Later, things don't change until my birthday. The big 22 have come today June 24!

"Happy Birthday." He says getting up from the bed, not even looking back at me. I can't believe he's acting this way. I'm not putting up with this anymore, 

"Taylor I'm leaving," I said putting on my clothes from yesterday. He goes into the bathroom and locks the door. When I'm about to open the door, I hear the mirror crack. And leave before this turns out worst.

Today is my birthday, and it happens to be one of my worst days ever. The waves are flooding the shore and I have decided to walk back to the hotel. He is nowhere to be found but it looks like he packed for me. Taylor is not even thinking of trying to fix things by the looks of it.

There is a letter from him on the bed:

If you have decided to leave, then go and don't look back.

This was the sign I was waiting for to leave this place and him.

July 4th, the fireworks are amazing here in California. I have decided to stay for a while here since I don't want to go home. Everything that happened at that beach, would be on my mind 24/7 if I was back home. 

The fireworks have finished and all I can think of is him. I wonder if he saw them because he loves them. Well, he loves explosives which explains a lot of why he's in the army.

Jack! He's here and with another guy?. 

Everyone is cheering for them! They are getting married, something that will never happen to me.

"Congrats!"I say walking towards them. Jack saw me before I could run away from this place.

"You will find someone better. He threatened me you know, and I think he does want you after all." Jack says looking at his boyfriend.

"What did he say to you?." Taylor threatened him just for talking to me. Wtf! What if I  had done that to that girl from the beach.

"He's mine, you fucken stay away from him or I will blow you up," Jack says mocking Taylor's voice.

"I'm so sorry Jack. Taylor would never do anything to you." He has finally gone crazy after two years. This has to be a joke!

"I'm a soldier and I'm only here to protect you." A voice says behind me and I know exactly who it is.

The three shake hands and I stand there waiting awkwardly.

"Why are you still here?" He says with his back facing me. 

I take a deep breath and answer him: "The place is great and I want it to see the fireworks.¨ Well, he clearly is not going to say anything else. 

¨Happy Fourth Of July soldier.¨He stays silent and surprised by my sudden goodbye. Taylor probably thought I would be all over him. The way he treated me back at the beach was horrible. 

The memory of when I was back at home, on July the fourth comes back to me. My friends had invited me to spend the night together, and one had been talking to him. My friend asked me about him and I told her everything, except for our secret love relationship. Taylor was half across the world and I couldn't still forget him.

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