Road Trip

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Cheryl POV
Some of the gang was going on a road trip. It was gonna be Toni and I, Kevin and Fangs along with Cousin Betty and her Hobo. I was trying to zip up my suit case but it was stuffed to the top. I groan.
"Yes babe" she ask looking up from her phone laying in my bed.
"Help please" I say in a baby voice. She gets up walking over.
"Sure thing princess" she attempts to zip up my suitcase huffing when she can't get it. " what the hells in here?" she huffs opening it up to see my many outfits and what looks like half of my collection of heels . "Cher" she laughs taking everything out of my suit case " you don't need all this were only going for a week"
"Yes I do, I can't be looking like hobo" I defend
"First of all rude and second you look good no matter what you wear" she says kissing my cheek. "Now you'll need these and this...and... oh these" She laughs placing some of the items back into the suit case zipping it up.
"Thanks TT" I pull her in for a kiss and she places her hands on my cheeks stroking them with her thumbs. We pull away staring into one another's eyes smiling. My phones buzzed from the night stand and I reach over grabbing it.

Kev: were here:)

Cher: k be down in a sec

" Toni, their here!" I grab my suit case pulling on one of Toni's sweatshirts. She walks over to me pulling on the stings of the hoodie.
"You're cute" she slips her hands under the sweatshirt resting them on my bare stomach kissing me. I moan into her mouth and she pulls away. "Come on Blossom" she pulls me by my hand out the door.
"Took you long enough" Kevin complained
"Sorry Kev we had some packing issues" Toni lies smirking at me. Fangs helps us with our bangs and we climb over Betty and Hobo to get in the back of the car.
"Let's get the road trip started!" Betty screams out the window as we pull away followed by a bunch of woos and hell yeahs.

We're about 7 hours into the drive and Toni is laying on top of me straddling my waist so she can rest her head on my chest. I can feel her chest going up and down and hear the faint noise of her breathing. I was exhausted and just wanted to find a hotel soon to lie down and snuggle with Toni. Kevin and I were the only ones still awake because he was driving and I couldn't sleep in this stiff car.
"Hey Kev?" I whisper trying not to wake the others "Can we please find a hotel or something"
"Sure ummm it will probably be another 15 minutes tho" I hum in response resting my head on Toni's. Fifteen minutes later we pull into a hotel lot and I shake Toni awake.
"TT wake up it's time to go to bed" She nuzzles in closer to me and mumbles something. "What?" I say
"Carry me" she says louder her head buried in my neck. I comply carrying her out of the car and and hold her while I wait for my friends to grab their bags. Fangs grabs both mine and Toni's bag and I thank him. We all walk up to the register and ask for 3 rooms grabbing our room keys we walk to our rooms.
"Night guys" I muttered as I open my room with a little difficulty due to Toni in my arms. I lie her on the bed and go to the bathroom washing off my makeup and return to see Toni cuddled with all the blankets. I chuckle, she's so cute.
"Move over" I laugh pushing her a little trying to take some blanket away from her. I give up and end up sleeping with my legs wrapped around her. "Night TT I love you"

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