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Toni's POV:

Cheryl's been hanging out with Heather all week. I know she told me that there was nothing to worry about but I can't help but get a little jealous whenever she hugs her. We're sitting in class my hand on Cheryl's thigh. I was watching her as she sketched a pair of cherries on her paper. Heather leans over to whisper something in her ear and she turns to her giggling. I roll my eyes and remove my hand from her thigh and turn my attention to the teacher. They continue to giggle and I hear Cheryl whisper something about our date at pops tonight. "Right Toni?" She asks.

"Hmmm" I turn looking at her putting down my pencil.

"Heather can come to Pops with us right" she smiles sweetly at Heather who returns the smile.

"We'll actually Cher I was thinking-"

"TT" she pouts and I sigh.

"Sure, whatever" I mumble picking up my pencil and drawing circles on the page.

"Tones," she places her hand on mine but I pull away.

"It's fine, the more the merrier" I grunt collection my things as the bell rang and rush out the door not even nothing to wait for Cheryl because she'll be too busy talking with Heather.

I walk into the bathroom and a tear slips down my cheek. I try to hold in a sob as I fumble through my bag looking for my pills. I know Cheryl would be disappointed with me right now but she's not here and who gives a fuck anyway. I pop two in my mouth and scoop water into my hands from the sink swallowing them. They're for my panic attacks but I haven't been getting them so often so I've been using them to make me feel less shitty about the whole Cheryl and Heather friendship. I slide down the bathroom wall and pull my legs up to my chest laying my head on them and start to cry. My mind starts drifting to the worst. What is Cheryl doesn't love me anymore? What if she's going to breakup with me tonight at Pops and tell me she likes Heather instead. God, my uncle was right no one could ever love me, I'm a no good serpent scrum. The door opens and I quickly scramble up collections my things and brush my tears away. I don't even look up but the girl must have noticed I was crying.

"Are you okay?" She asks reaching out. I push by her.

"Fine" I say closing the door.

Later at Pops I wait for Cheryl. I sip on my chocolate milkshake and chew on my fries that are now cold. I've been waiting for a little bit and the longer I wait the more I feel she isn't coming. I sign playing with the buckle on my skirt. I even dressed up extra nice, it wasn't like she would have noticed anyways. I look at my phone 7:37 she was supposed to be here 17 minutes ago. I open up Instagram and began to scroll through my feed.

"Toni" I look up and see Cheryl, no Heather. Probably waiting outside so the breakup will be faster.

"Hey" I give a small smile and sigh.

"I'm sorry I'm late TT my mother was being extra bitchy tonight" she giggles and god that cute little giggle of hers. I can't help it anymore tears stream down my face. "Toni" she looks at me concerned. "What's wrong?" I fell her grab my hand.

"What does it matter, it's not like you care"I spit out retracting my hand. She sit there stunned. She gets up, probably to leave great now I just lost the best thing in my life I look down crying harder. Two pale arms wrap around me and pull me close to her.

"Oh TT" she coos "please tell me what's going on" she pulls back to look at me running up and down my arm.

"Why do you bother Cher?" I sob tears flooding down my face. "Why go for me when there are a million people who are way better. You deserve more Cher and I'm not good enough." I finally choke out crying even harder then before which is kinda shocking.

"Toni," she pulls be back in kissing the top of my head. "Of course you are hey would you think any different?" She asks stroking my hair.

"It's just that you don't wanna spend any time with me anymore and you don't love me anymore because I'm not good enough. I'm just some poor south side scum who just so happens to be the Riverdale Highs it girl." I sob even louder and she pulls me in closer to her. My head is pressed up against her chest so that I can feel her heartbeat.

"Ohh Toni, that's not true at all baby" she runs circles on my back and I lean into her more wrapping my arms around her neck. "Why do you say such awful things, I love you so much. I'm sorry I haven't been spending as much time as we usual do I guess I just got carried away that Heather was back, I'm so sorry" I feel her tears on my shoulder.

"You still love me?" I say in a small voice pulling away to look at her.

"Yes, God Toni I'm so in love with you it hurts" she grabs my face and kisses me on the lips staying there for a few seconds before pulling away. " I love you so much" she presses her forehead to mine and we stay like that for what feels like hours. I smile and sigh into her chest happy as I could ever be. She loves me and I love her. It's all I could ever ask for.

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