You're mine😘

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I do apologize for the break I took in writing but I'm happy to say that more edits are coming soon:)

Cheryl POV

I just got back from Veronica's as we were having a fun girls day. Ive been trying to help her through her break up with Archie so we've been hanging out for a lot for a while. It was currently 1:27 in the morning and I was doing my best to not make a lot of noise. Walking over to the kitchen I got myself a glass of water and carried it upstairs to my room. When I walked in I saw Toni, her arms and legs sprawled across the bed taking up all the space. Her head tucked into a pillow sleeping peacefully. I smile, walking into the bathroom and wiping off my make up with a wash cloth then joined Toni in bed.

"Baby scooch" I push her legs over so I can try and get in the bed. "Toniiiiiii" I whine pouting "move I want some room" I know it's pointless so I gather some blankets and steal my pillow and go to the couch. Just as I was putting down my blankets I feel arms wrap around me.

"Why are you out here?" I hear Toni ask her voice still ridden with sleep.

"You wouldn't make room for me" I say turning around to kiss her. Her lips are so soft and they have a hint of vanilla taste, probably from her chapstick.

"Come be with me" she picks up the blanket and pillow and pulls my hand back toward our room. She shakes out the blanket remaking the bed before pulling me into her arms to cuddle. "I missed you" she mumbles into my neck playing with my hair.

"I missed you too baby" I cuddle into her more and fall asleep to the sound of her breathing.

When I wake up in the morning I feel weight on my chest and look up to see my beautiful girlfriends on top of me. Her hair is all spread out, her pink and brown locks mixed with my red ones. Smiling I pull her hair back and rub small circles on her back waiting for her to wake up. After about 5 minutes of doing this and and no sign of her waking up and reach over to grab my phone and see a handful if notifications.

Text from Ronnie💋Text from Kevin🏳️‍🌈
@CherBombshell🍒 217 people liked your new post

I opened up messages to reply to V and Kev.

Hey Cher you forgot your jacket at mine, doors open for you to swing by to grab it:)

K thanks V will swing by later

I then went to Kevin's


I smile to myself happy that Kevin her finally grew a pair and asked his crush out.

See I told you Kev he is totally into you

I just can't believe it

I feel Toni stir on my chest and text out a quick reply to Kevin.

I got to go Toni's waking up call you later Kev💛

I return my focus to the pink haired beauty who is now looking at me through her eyelashes perched up on her elbows.

"Good morning my love" I smile kissing her head.

"It always is waking up with you babe" she leans up kissing me full on the mouth and strokes my cheek with her hand.

"Breakfast?" I ask pulling away and moving to get up.

"Sure" She latches onto me pulling me back.

"TT, I gotta go make it" I laugh trying to pull away.

"But Cher" she pouts releasing me.

"I'll be right back" I say kissing her cheek.

"No, I'm coming" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the kitchen.

For the rest of the day Toni's been very clingy, following me around everywhere not leaving me for a second. She even waited outside the door of the bathroom for me and although I love the attention and physical contact I'm starting to worry because she's never been like this before. We were now laying down our limbs tangled in one another's. She was playing with the ends of my hair twisting it around her fingers as we watched The Office. None of us were really paying attention it was kinda just on for background sound. "Toni?" I whisper.

"Hmmmm?"she stops playing with my hair and pulls herself closer to me.

"Is something wrong" I ask pulling her away to look into her eyes.

"Just peachy, why" she asks returning to play with me hair.

"Toni" I take my hair out of her grasp and sit us both up facing one another. "Please, I know something is wrong so please talk to me" I beg reaching for her hand.

"It's fine Cher it's nothing big, it's stupid"she looks down at her lap and smiles sadly.

"Baby"  I run my thumb across the back of her hand.

"It's just that you're spending so much time with Ronnie and I don't know, it just felt like you were avoiding me and didn't want to be with me anymore , I know it's stupid" her voice cracks and I see tears drip down her cheeks. My heart breaks at the sight. I didn't realize that that was how she felt. God I'm a shitty girlfriend. I pull her close to my body and run circles into her back as she cries more into my neck.

"Oh TT, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize baby but I want you to know that I'm not avoiding you T and I'm so sorry that I made you feel as if I was. I love you so much Toni" I pull back to cup her face "you are my world" I lean in and connect lips with hers. I can taste her salty tears on her lips and it causes tears of my own to spring to my eyes. "Come on let's go get some sleep" I stand up and reach my arm out for her, but when she stands up I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to our room. "I love you Toni" I say as we cuddle into one another drifting to sleep.

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