Dont drop the flyer

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In this story Cheryl and Toni are not dating yet.
For those who don't cheer or know terms this will be a key:)
Flyer=the girl in the air
Base=the two people holding onto the flyers feet
Back-spot=the one be hung the flyer holding her ankles
Half=based arms are at chest height
Full=based arms are fully extended
Pop=the flyer is throw in the air from either a half or full and caught in a cradle in the bases arms.

Cheryl POV

   "Listen up vixens" I call out to the girls in front of me. "Today we will be working on our stunts and tumbling for the competition next week, and because we are down a flyer we're gonna have to pull some string and make this work so everyone spread out and begin to stretch"

As the girls stretch I walk over to Toni, Betty and Veronica.
"Hey girls, mind if I borrow Toni for a sec" I ask grabbing Toni's hand and pulling her away.
"Toni, I need you're help" I beg
"Sure what's up?" She asks putting her hand on her hips smiling.
"I need you to fly" I say
"What? Cheryl no!" She shuddered.
"Toni please, you're the only one light enough and have an idea of what going on" I begged.
"But Cheryl I don't wanna get hurt" She trembles " I'm scared" she whispers. I nod upset with myself trying to put this on her.
"You're right, I'm sorry Toni, just forget I asked" I turn to walk away.
"Cheryl wait" she turns me around her hand resting on my shoulder. "I'll do it" She gulps. My face lights up.
"Really? Oh thank you Toni" I pull her into a hug wrapping my arms around her. I could just stay in her embrace forever, but sadly she pulled away.
"Of course Cher"she smiles grabbing my hand pulling me back to the girls.

"Alright ladies, now that we are all warmed up and ready let's begin. Go to your stunt groups" I command. Toni looks around nervously and I squeeze her hand to tell her it's okay. That seems to calm her down a bit and I smile. "Alright Tina, Ginger, Marlee, Toni will be your new flyer so let's try this ladies. Others spot around" I chirp. Toni walks over to the girls and I show her how to jump and and go up to a half. After a few failed attempts she finally jumps in and and gets to a half bending her knees. "Toni, you have to lock your legs or you'll fall" I say and she locked her legs. "Eyes forward" I add "beautiful" I smile reaching my arms up so she can jump down from the stunt so she doesn't have to pop. "Shall we try with the pop now?" I ask and she nods.
"Why the hell not" she jumps in returning to the half.
"And pop 1..2" they dip her down and toss her on three catching her in their arms. I see Toni sign in relief and hold her heart.
"That was scary" she laughs.
"You did good" I smile and give her a hug.
"You owe me Blossom" she smirked.
"Oh yeah?and what do I owe you?"I ask
"A date, see you at pops at 7" she winks and walks into the locker room. I stand there shocked, she probably didn't mean it like that and wants to go as friends, but I couldn't help but feel a small ounce of hope that she wanted to go on a date date with me. I smile and walk into the locker room hoping to find Toni, but she must of left. I open my locker and go to change but the only thing I can think of is our date. I've been crushing on Toni for a while and  maybe just maybe she likes me too.

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