Redheaded Prey

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Cheryl POV
The bell rings and great I'm gonna be late for class. I rush down the hall with my books in my arms turning around the corner and crash into someone dropping all my books falling to the floor.
"Sorry" I stubble around looking for my glasses.
"Oh look who it is, its the four eyed dyke" of course it had to be her. "Looking for these?" She waves something across my face. My glasses.
"Can I please have them back Veronica?" I sigh reaching my hand out.
"Sure thing" I hear a snap and something falls into my lap. "See ya later dyke" she laughs walking away. I look down at my lap picking up my glasses bringing the close to my face to inspect them. They are snapped right in half the one side of glass shattered.
"Just great" I mumble to myself balancing them on my ears picking up my books walking towards my class. I walk in and all eyes come to me.
"You're late miss Blossom" the teacher says stopping to look at me.
"Sorry" I apologize cowering into myself looking around for an empty seat. I sigh when I see the only one left is in the way back. Walking over I trip on a jacket sending me to the floor. Laughs erupt from the room and I pick myself up not bothering to look for my already broken glasses. I reach my seat and hide my head in my hands, this day could not get any worse. The period drags on and I feel as if I've been sitting here for hours. The bell finally rings and I wait as my classmates gather their things and exit the classroom. Squinting I look around for my glasses when I feel a tap on my shoulder and lookup to a blur.
"Here" someone says placing the two pieces on my face causing the room to shift back in focus. "Better?" I look up to find a beautiful girl with brown hair the tips of it dyed pink looking at me smiling. There's a pit in my stomach and my throat goes dry making it hard to breath. "You good?" She questions looking at me.
"Yeah umm I-I should go" I grab my stuff looking at her one last time running out of the classroom.
"Wait" I hear behind me but I keep walking. I only stop walking until I reach the bleachers ducking under them. I pull out my phone and text Betty, my only friend that happens to also be my cousin.

Hey betts can you please go in my locker and get my spare glasses for me they
should be on the shelf.

Of course, where are you?


Okay be right there:)

I tuck my phone away and patiently wait for Betty.  I take the time to catch my breath and start to think abut the pink haired girl. Why was she so nice to me? But more importantly why is she so pretty?
"Cheryl?" Someone shouts.
"Down here" Betty appears under the bleachers and passes me my spare glasses. "Thanks" I smile.
"Sure thing, but why are you down here and how did your glasses break?" She takes my broken glasses off my face examining them sitting down next to me.
"I fell" I shrug my shoulders lying. She doesn't know about Veronica and them bullying me and I don't want her to worry so I keep my mouth shut.
"You fell" she questions looking at me and then the glasses. "You fell and your glasses snapped in half and the glass shattered?" She raises her eyebrows skeptical of my lie.
"Yeah I tripped up the stairs and broke them." I lie again taking them back from her and putting them in my pocket. Her phone buzzes and she pulls it out.
"It's Jug I gotta go he wants to meet me in the newspaper room"
"I'll walk with you, I'm heading to the library anyway" I pick up my stuff and we both duck out of the bleachers.
We arrive at the newspaper room and I say goodbye to Betty continuing to walk down the hall to the library.
"Hello Cheryl dear"
"Good afternoon Mary" I smile to the sweet old women behind the desk. I've been coming to the library everyday during lunch so we've gotten to know each other quite well.
"I just finished the most fascinating book, you have to read it dear you'll absolutely love it" she reaches under her desk pulling out a worn blue book with a cracked spine. I smile thanking her taking the book and walking to the back of the room. I'm about 3 chapters into the book when I feel eyes on me. I look up to find the girl from before walking right towards me. I panic pulling  the book up to cover my face and focus my eyes on one of the pages.
"I didn't catch your name" she smirks sitting down next to me. I look at her and swallow slightly biting my lower lip. "Are you gonna make me guess?" She chuckles. Her laugh it's beautiful, I smile.
"Cheryl" I reach out my hand for her to shake.
"Toni" she smiles shaking it.
"Where'd ya get the new glasses" she ask pointing her head up.
"Oh these, um these are my backup ones" I adjust them on my face.
"Where the other ones go?" I pull them out of my pocket and hand them to her. "How did they break?" She questions putting them in front of her face to see through and groans pulling them away blinking. "My god you're blind" she laughs handing them back to me.
"Thanks" I laugh " I fell" putting them back in my pocket.
"Oh" she frowns. A comfortable silence takes over before she finally speaks "I'm sorry I didn't help you earlier, you probably couldn't see the entire class period." She pulls her legs up to her chest.
"It's fine, without you I probably wouldn't have been able to make it out of that room" I smile looking at her. Her eyes are so pretty, like milk chocolate yet so warm and inviting I could just
"Look it's the dyke" someone says followed by girls laughing. My cheeks turn pink and I can feel tears staring to form in my eyes. I scurry around collecting my things holding back tears.  Veronica of course, who else would it be. I feel a hand on my arm and I look up to see Toni.
"You good?" there's worry in her face but I push past her making my way to the door so they don't see me cry. "Cheryl!" She shouts but I keep walking. I walk all the way to my car and pull out of the lot not caring that schools not over. I just need to leave. She probably thinks I'm a freak now. I sigh allowing tears to fall as I drive down the road. I find myself making the  familiar turns to Sweetwater River. I pull up getting out of the car flinging myself down on the rocks and let myself sob. I'm such a freak, nobody will ever want me. I cry harder until I exhaust myself from crying. I lay my head down on my arm and look up at the sky. I'll stay here tonight I thought. I'll lie underneath the stars and listen to the water hit the rocks below.

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