Baby baby

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Cheryl POV:

It's been three moths since me and Toni decided to get pregnant. I'm starting to show so I have a little bump where my baby is growing. I've been a little self conscious of it because I feel like I'm getting fat. I try and hide it from everyone including Toni by wearing baggy hoodies and sweatpants. The front door opens as I wrap a towel around myself from my shower and head into our room to get changed.

"Baby" Toni calls from downstairs.

"Up here" I have my bra and underwear on and I'm trying to quickly put my sweatpants on to hide the bump but I get stuck in one of the pant legs.

"Hey Baby" Toni walks in smiling. "You need some help" she walks over and helps me out of the sweatpants and helps me put them on. I try to cover the bump with my arms but she pushes them out of the way to pull the sweatpants up.

"Thanks TT" I kiss her cheek and reach for my shirt covering my belly with one arm hoping she doesn't see it.

"Oh my god!" She pulls me to her and her hands go to my stomach. "You have a bump!" She smiles rubbing her hands up and down my stomach. "This is the cutest thing ever I have to take a picture!" She runs out of the room to grab her camera. I sigh pulling the shirt on, sitting on the bed and wrapping my arms around my body. She bursts back in the room with the camera around her neck.

"TT come on" I whine shrinking into the pillows.

"But you're adorable baby" she puts her camera down and pulls me up. "Why are you so embarrassed?" She carefully grabs my chin pulling my face up to hers.

"I don't know" I mumble looking down.

"Yes you do, now tell me" She strokes my cheek with her thumb and I sink into her.

"I'm fat" I tear drips down my face and I look away embarrassed.

"You are not fat baby" she pulls me into her arms and plays with the ends of my hair. "You are gorgeous in every way possible"

"You're lying" I sniff and grab her hair twisting it around my fingers.

"Why would I lie baby, you are the most beautiful person to walk this earth. You are beautiful both inside and out." She pulls away smiling at me.

"You're really mean that?" I wipe my tears away with my hand looking at her.

"Every word" she pulls me in by the neck kissing me on the lips. "Now can I please take some pictures of my beautiful wife with her cute little bump?" I smile and she grabs my hand and her camera pulling me out of the room. We walk into her studio where she places a fuzzy white blanket as the backdrop. "Now, stand over there and lift up your shirt" I do as I'm told but my shirt only comes up like 3 inches. "More" I lifts it up a little more. "Here let me help you" she walks over and pulls my shirt up so it's just under my boobs. She then pulls my sweatpants down so the rest of the bump is uncovered. Then she does something totally unsuspecting. She bends down and kisses my stomach. I laugh and pull her head up to kiss my lips. "Now smile" she pulls the camera up and snaps a few pics. " That's it baby, now change your pose" I put one hand on my belly keeping the other to hold up my shirt and she takes a few more pictures. "Now take your shirt off"

"Oh I see" I smirk and walk towards her. I pull my shirt off and throw it at her leaving me in my sports bra.

"The bra too" she smirks

"TT, you're not about to take pictures of my bare boobs" I laugh placing my hands on my hips laughing.

"Relax bombshell" she pulls my bra off. "Trust me" she smirks kissing my neck and giving me a slight push back to the blanket.

"I feel exposed" I huff and turn my back to her.

"Nothing I haven't seen before babe" she winks at me and I feel my face heat up blushing. "Okay now cover yourself with your left arm and place your right arm under your belly just like that, now turn to the camera a little and...yes just like that!" The lights flash as she takes the pictures. I smile at the camera and then look down to smile at my belly. About an hour later Toni is satisfied with all the pictures she's taken.

"TT, still naked over here" I laugh and cover my chest.

"Oops" she grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head pulling me into a soft kiss. " Come on let's go watch a movie" she grabs my hand and kisses my cheek. "I can't wait to show everyone these pictures." She exclaims happily.

"Toni!" I playfully hit her arm scowling at her.

"I'm kidding babe. They're just for us" she picks me up carrying me into the living room while we both laugh. I love this girl.

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