Redheaded Prey Pt 2

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Toni POV:

"Cheryl" I call but she's already gone. I turn back to Veronica. "What the hell was that for?" I yell at her.

"Oh please, she deserves it" she laughs and crosses her arms and the other girls follow her lead.  "Besides it's not like you actually wanna be her friend"

"Actually I do and what's it to you Veronica so just leave me alone" I yell turning to walk out.

"Toni" she grabs my arm turning me around.

"Don't touch me" I pull my arm away form her "tell mom I won't be home tonight I'm going out" I say as I go to walk out the door.

"Toni, you cant keep doing this every time we fight!" She calls after me. I stick my middle finger up in the air so she can see it and walk out the door.

"Tiny!" Pea shouts as I walk in the lunch room half of a sandwich stuffed in his face. I smile at him and sit down across from him.

"What's up Pea?" I ask and grab the sandwich from his hands taking a big bite.

"Hey that's mine" he snatches the sandwich back and shoves the rest of it in his mouth.

"You look stressed T" Fangs says snuggled up in Kevin arms. They've been dating for quite some time and I was surprised he even noticed with his tongue shoved down the sheriffs son throat.

"Veronica's being a bitch as usual" I huff placing my head in my hands.

"Oh yeah what's V doing that's got you so frazzled" Fangs laughs and I look up shooting daggers at him. "Jezzz tiny lay of it was a joke" he puts his hands up.

"She was making fun of the Blossom girl and being mean" I say.

"Wait, the girl with the glasses and the braces" Pea asks pulling out more food from his bag.

"Yeah that one" I say reaching for the food.

"No offense tiny but she's kinda a freak" he says stuffing the goldfish into his mouth.

"She not a freak" I rip the goldfish out of his hands, grab my bag and storm out the room. I know Pea doesn't think before he says anything but that really hurt. Who cares if she's a freak she's super smart and adorable and I don't understand why people are so mean to her. I mount my bike and head off the the only place where I can clear my head.

Cheryl POV:

I'm laid out on the rocks tired out from crying. I pull my legs to my chest and bury my head into them taking a deep breath. Water crashes on the rocks a few feet from where I am and I hear a faint motorcycle engine from afar. I pick my head up and reach for my bag pulling out my sketchbook and a pencil and continue working on the self portrait of myself. I drew myself smiling with my mouth closed so I didn't have to draw my braces. They make me look ugly anyway. As I'm drawing the curve of my lip I hear someone behind me.

"What are you drawing" Its Toni I snap my book closed and hide it under my legs.

"Nothing" I reply looking out at the river "I'm just sitting" I swallow hard. I've never been good at lying.

"Don't lie I just saw you" she laughs "can I sit?" She motions next to me. I nod my head but continue looking out towards the river. "What they said is not true you know" I look at her "your not a dyke or a freak" I sigh putting my head in my hands. "Cheryl?" She taps my shoulder.

"Yes Toni" I mumble from my hands.

"I'm sorry" she signs looking out at the river. I sit there confused looking at her. " Is she mean to you all the time?" She asks looking directly at me. I squirm around not sure what to say.

"It's gotten worse" I mumble and pull at some grass. "She used to only call me names but the past few weeks she's been getting physical" I sign looking back at her.

"She pushes you?" She asks shocked and concerned.

"Yeah sometimes" I twist the piece of grass around my pale finger and feel arms wrap around my and pull me towards her. I sit there stiffly in her arms uncertain of this action until I relax into her. My eyes water and tears flow down my face.

"I'm sorry Cheryl" I feel her arms tighten around me. " I'm so so sorry"


Sorry I've been MIA for a while. Been super busy but I'll try to keep the stories coming:)

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