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Cheryl's POV

GOD could today get any worse??? I was late to school, the Vixens are far from where they need to be and I left my phone in English so I had to go back and get it. I just needed to find Toni so I walked into the cafeteria where all the other below average students I'm forced to share the same air with are. As I'm walking over to Toni I spot a girl I've never seen before being rather touchy with her and laughing. Walking over I place myself directly on her lap and glare at the other girl. Who does this bitch think she is. I am Cheryl Bombshell and she has another thing coming if she thinks she can just sit her and flirt with MY girlfriends.

"Excuse me but do you mind getting away from my girlfriend" a say in a sickly sweet voice forcing a smile.

"Babe" Toni coos rubbing circles on my back. "Relax" she kisses my cheek.

"Hi I'm Laura" the girl reaches out her hand to shake smiling.

"Cheryl, Toni's girlfriend." I bite back refusing to touch her hand and lean more into Toni. The girl seems to shift uncomfortably away from Toni. Good, be scared Bitch.

"Babe, Laura is a serpent me and her were best friends when we were little" she smiles at her.

"Remover that time when we went swimming in the creek by my house and my mom came out yelling" Laura laughs.

"Oh yeah and later we found out it had leeches" Toni adds laughing.

Her phones dings and Laura looks down reading the message.

"It was nice seeing you Toni and you too I guess, but my friends want to see me." She waved goodbye running over to a group of girls.

"Bye" I sigh getting off Toni's lap to sit next to her pulling out my phone. I open up Instagram and begin to scroll through my feed.

"Baby" she wraps her arm around my back trying to pull me towards her. "what wrong?" She whispers.

"Nothing" I lie and pull away from her.

"Cher come on, I know something's wrong, come here" she tries to pull me back on her lap and fails.

"Toniii" I whine and she pulls me up dragging me out of the cafeteria. She brings me into the bathroom and turns facing me.

"Please Cher, talk to me." She begs and I sigh.

"I don't know Toni I'm just.... scared" I feel tears spring to my eyes and I wipe them away scared to look at her.

"Baby" she rests her hands on the sides of my face pulling it up so our eyes meet. "Why?"

I feel everything rushing out sighing to myself that I'm this weak and she has this much control over me. "Because I'm not enough, and I'm just a pain that you put up with and when you finally notice just how much baggage and how much of a bitch I am you're gonna leave me for that Laura girl" I cry out and water droplets soak my shirt. She pulls me in wrapping her arms around me and stocking my hair.

"Oh Cher" she comforts "none of that is true baby, I love you okay" she pulls me back so she can look at me. " I love you so much it hurts and I'll never stop loving you, ever" I cry, latching onto her, wetting her shirt with my teas but she doesn't care. "How about some Pops?" She ask stroking my cheek.

"But we have school" I say not letting go of her.

"Screw school" she pulls on my hand and we walk out of school and get onto her bike driving to the one place that can give us both comfort at this time in the day.

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