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Toni POV

"CHERYL!!" I scream. I can't find her! I run room to room looking through the tiny glass on the doors peering in to see if the red headed girl was in them.
"CHERYL!" I hear another voice call from down the hall and turn to see Veronica looking through one of the doors.
"V, I can't find her!" I panic running over to her.
"Shhh it's okay Toni we'll get her out" I just nod my head trying to to let myself cry. I should have been there to protect her, this is my fault and now she's being tortured somewhere in the hell hole. "Toni look" she walks over to a door that has the work Basement do not enter written on it. "Come on" she says grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door. We creep down the stairs, it's  pitch black with the only light coming through a tiny window above.
" God please....get away from me...AGGGAAHHH" a voice screams from below. I would recognize that voice from anywhere.

Cheryl POV

"CHERYL!!!"   I hear someone scream.
"HERE!" I sob as one of the nuns tried to inject some clear purple liquid into my arm while another holds me down.
"Hold still child, we are trying to help you"
"NO! GET OFF OF ME! I scream kicking my legs at them.
"Hold her down!" Sister Woodhouse demands.
Two men grab at my legs and arms forcing me into a chair.
"Please don't" I cry out. They buckle belts around my wrists and strap me in to prevent me from moving.
"Shhhh we're going to make you all better child" she says stroking my cheek wiping away one of my many tears. "It's time to sleep now" she raises a faint needle stabbing me in the arm with it and I scream. My arm burns as if someone lit it on fire only that the fire was inside of my arm burning from the inside out.
"CHER!"a voice calls.
"I'm in here! me" I screamed my body feels limp and everything around me starts to fade black. I gasp for air, my lungs burn as I try to take in as much air as possible. This is it I'm dying. I haven't said goodbye yet! Oh TT if you can hear me I want to thank you for everything.  For coming into my life and showing me why true happiness is. "I love you Toni" I whispered. And everything went black.

Toni POV

"I'm in here! me" she screams. I run blindly in the dark. I have to save Cheryl.
"Cher!...Cheryl???..Baby!?" I see a light! "Ronni! This way!" I shout sprinting towards the door with light inside. Throwing myself at the door I try breaking it down.  I pound on the door punching and kicking at the old wood.
"Stand back" I back out of the way and Veronica stands over the door with a stone slamming it at the handle. I grab another piece and follow her lead hitting the door handle with the hard rock. The handle falls to the floor and I burst through the door.
"Cheryl?!" I whip my head around and find her slumped in a chair held back my leather buckles. "You bitch" I turn to the nun and throw the rock at her hitting her in the head. Two men come at me but I fight them punching them in the side of the head and kick them to the ground. Another nun stand in the corner shrinking back with her arms over her head. I scoff and run to Cheryl. "Cheryl baby, can you hear me!?" I unbuckle her from the seat and pull her into my arms. "Baby I'm right here please look at me" I stroke her hair feeling her forehead with the back of my hand. "we're gonna get you out of here baby, I'm so sorry" I cry into her.
"Toni, we've gotta go there are a bunch of nuns coming" fuck I look around, we're trapped. I pick up Cheryl and run out of the room. "Over here!" I follow Veronica down a poorly lit hallway. "Here!" She pushes at a rusty door, it caving in and opening to the outside. We both storm out and she slams it closed. "I call Kevin"she pants. I nod and look down at Cheryl taking her in. Her arm is all bruised and she is cold and clammy. I place her down and take off my serpent jacket putting it on her and taking her back in my arms. She looks so broken. I allow more tears to fall as I look at the beat up redhead. This is my fault I couldn't protect her, I cry into her neck.  "Toni, Kevs here" I look up spotting the truck and walk over climbing into it being extra careful of the girl in my arms. We pile in and I lay Cheryl across me so her heads in my lap. I play with her hair and we drive far away from the building of horrors we just escaped.

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