The forbidden store

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Toni is the schools badass who also happens to be in love with Cheryl

Cheryl is the schools nerd who is crushing hard on the schools badass

Cheryl POV:
I was at my locker talking with Kevin about the chemistry test we had just taken.
" I swear, I failed. He didn't even teach half the stuff on it" he huffs leaning against my locker.

"Well maybe if you actually listened and didn't spend half the class staring at Fangs you would actually know how to pass the test" I laugh grabbing my books from my locker.

"Hey! I don't stare" I give him a look. "Fine, but not anymore than you do" I whip my head towards him a worried look on my face. Has he noticed, god I hope not.

"What are you talking about" I stumble trying to play it cool.

"You know, your undying love for Toni Topaz" I drop my books, and stand frozen. He looks over and smirks. "Speaking about Toni, here she comes now" he winks at me and walks away catching up to Fangs.

"Hey cutie" my checks blush red. I take in her features. Her warm hazel eyes, the pink bubble gum hair that frames her face curled to perfection. The soft toffee skin slightly exposed by her cropped shirt as she leans up against my locker.  "Like something you see?" She chuckles and I snap out of the events that were formally playing in my head.

"Sorry" embarrassed I look down playing with the chipped polish on my fingernails.

"Don't be" she laughs reaching for my hand. My heart flutters. Why are her hands so soft. I resist the urge to bring it to my mouth and kiss it. "You should come to the mall with us today"  I stop staring at her. Sure we were friendly in school, but. It one have we hung out outside of school.

"Ummmm I don't know, I don't want to intrude" I bite my lip uncertain.

"You won't I promise" she squeezes my hand.

"I don't know, I have lots of homework" I lied.

"Please" she begs, turning me towards her and grabbing both my hands. " I'll buy you a soft pretzel" I smirk.

"Well, who can say no to that?" laughing we make our way towards English.

Later At the Mall:


I hope she didn't chicken out. I watch the door in the food court waiting for a certain redhead. The boys mess around chucking the orange chicken we got from Panda Express at one another.

"Would you both cut it out!" You're gonna get us in trouble" I huff looking back towards the doors. I piece of chicken hits my face n the cheek and I whip my head back around.

"What the fuck guys!" I wipe my cheek of the sauce with a napkin.

"Sorry tiny" Sweet Pea laughs.

"Don't call me that" I scowl throwing the napkin at him.

"Oooooo look! Here comes red" they giggle and smirk making inappropriate gestures with their hands. Groaning I look over to find a lost redhead girl. God she's so beautiful. She twirls one of the braids around her finger as she looks around the food court for us. Dressed in red overalls with a white long sleeve underneath and converse high tops. She looked fucking adorable. I wave my hand catching her attention, she smiles and makes her way over to the table sitting down.

"Wassup red?" Sweet Pea smirks as he stuffs more food in his mouth.

"Nothing much" she awkwardly smiles and looks towards me. The boys smirk at one another and then give me a look. Oh shit, what are they gonna do? I shake my head giving them a death stare, but the ignore me and turn back to Cheryl.

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