Chapter 19 - Games

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 Getting back to his office from Moonlight Entertainment. Leonard felt numerous things. Mostly confusion. Sitting on his table, Leonard felt light headed. Almost if everything now was an illusion. A daze he, himself, could not explain. Staring at the ceiling, he wondered. If he had met her a couple months prior to the engagement, maybe things would be different. Drinking a bit of water he wondered. When did everything turn this way?

Leonard was very aware that his engagement was more of a contract settlement than a real relationship. However, he was not one to cheat. Still, he couldn't help himself but think about it, but the act of solely thinking about it harmed him much more than he could express it.

Running his hand through his hair, he sighed, bumping his head with all his strength on the mahogany table. Maybe if he blacked out his head would stop hurting so much. Taking out his phone he stared at the screen for a bit, before putting it out. Just what was he thinking to do with it? Finish a million dollar contract through text?

He wasn't that kind of jerk. At least he thought not to be. Still with his head glued to the table, he turned his computer on. Typing the name 'Luna Gills', he stopped. Was he being creepy? Deleting every letter before pressing enter he pressed Ctrl, Shift and N, and then typed it. Why did it seem like it was immoral to look up her name? He was an investor on her company wasn't he?

Looking at her picture popping up. He worried for a bit. She had lost a bit of weight since he met her. Was she stressing too much. Remembering the state he saw her earlier, he knew she did. Even though a voice inside him told him to take care of her, another whispered in his ear, he would only look creepy, and from creepy guys she already had that ex-husband of hers. How did they end up together anyway?

"None of your business." He reminded himself out loud.

Still, staring at her picture online, he could only remember her laughing face every time they went out to eat. He could only act that way when they were alone. He never understood that.

Leonard could not react that way with many people. Sometimes he did with his brother, some very close friends, but that was it. Even with the woman he was supposed to marry he couldn't help but be the ice cube the press liked to call him as.

Hearing a loud noise, he looked to the origin of it, quickly, straightening his back as his assistant looked at him, in awe. Mouth wide open staring at the computer screen.

Looking at the man, Leonard's eyes went blank, as well as his expression. Not a word came out of his mouth.

Thinking through his poor assistant's point of view he realized how out of context that could be seen as.

"Boss's interests have nothing to do with me." Philip said, quickly leaving the room.

Great. He thought to himself. Still, he laughed. If she was there she would probably laugh too. Unfortunately that was a story that he would have to keep to himself till the end of his days.

Reaching out of his pocket, he reached for his phone once again. His posture now erect.

"Katherine Butchers." Said a voice in the end of the line.

"Where are you?" He asked. His voice ice cold.

"None of your business." She responded. "Did my mother ask you to call me?"

"No." He simply said. Why would she call him? "I want to schedule a meeting."

"Why?" She asked. "I don't think I will be returning soon. Just tell me through phone, or just text me. I'm getting in my flight now. Goodbye Leonard." She said hanging up. He was so weird, why did her mother think that would be a good idea?

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