Chapter 16: Cycle of Allegiances

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Nothing else to say for now, so onto the read!

Thou shall not defy any disclaimers. - Disclaimers 1:29.

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, I would merge this with Frozen II ;P


- Sometime later somewhere in northern Ashfeld, General POV... -

Alyssa: "... Indeed we are, Sir Kalec. The Embers has been growing ever since we managed to strengthen relations with the other legions. We even managed to establish our own fort not too long ago." Alyssa says to her father figure.

Kalec: "I see. I am impressed, Janna. You are doing excellently considering you built the Embers from scratch." Kalec says to Janna, clearly as impressed as he said it.

Janna: "Eheh, thank you. We heard the same thing from your wife. I wouldn't be in this position had your family not come into my life." The blonde replies to him.

Kalec: "chuckles It's the right thing to do. Though, I must ask: how have the Blackstones been treating you and your Knights?"

Alyssa: "The Blackstone Legion doesn't care about them. The same goes with the rest of the smaller factions, with a few exceptions that usually are either those who sprouted directly from the Legion itself or are self-sufficient. The Lightshield Cohort is one such example."

Kalec: "Hmm, I see. To be frank, I think it's the best for your men to be away from the eyes of Apollyon. We all know what happened to the Darkroses and the Regals."

Janna: "I'll keep that in mind. Now, to the purpose of you summoning us. What do you require of us that you had to send one of your agents to send us a message?" Janna asks him.

Kalec hesitates to tell them. He knew that both of them owe him and his family a great debt for pulling them out of poverty, but he feels wrong on what he will request from them.

The two females noticed his change of expression.

Alyssa: "Is there something wrong, Sir Kalec?" One of them asks.

Kalec: "Look, ladies... What I need from you two- It just seems to much to ask." He admits.

Janna: "Look, whatever it is, I think we can work around it. You know that we still owe you, and whatever your request maybe, we'll do it." She tells him while putting a hand on his shoulder, with Alyssa nodding in agreement.

Kalec: "Alright, I'll be blunt. I need as many men as I can. We are leaving towards the Myre, and I need those men to watch our backs." He tells them. Janna removes her hand from his shoulder and contemplates.

Alyssa: "If I may ask, what for? What are you intending to do in the Myre?" Alyssa asks him.

Kalec: "I suppose it's just fair that I tell you two. (Y/n) has a plan that includes something to do with the Samurai in order to remove Apollyon from power."

Alyssa: "(Y/n) is still out there?"

Kalec: "Alive and well. He has finished whatever task he has in Valkenheim with this 'Anaximander's' group, and he has turned his eyes onto the Myre, and gathering what allies he can on the way."

Alyssa: "Hm, that sounds like him alright, but why the Samurai? Does he intend to enlist them into his cause as well? I highly doubt that he can succeed in that. He can gather rouges or 'ronin' as they call them with some gold and a bit of persuasion, but entire clans and armies? What is he even thinking?"

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