Side Stories: Our Life Then and Now

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Izetta Lorderius: (Narrating) "When I was far younger, I used to believe that we, Knights are fighting for a noble cause, to fight for those who cannot, and for the generations to come. But... hearing the truth from those who were scarred by wars made me question our true purpose of existing and fighting. Why is it that one life is spared while the other is taken? No matter how much they tried; Knights, Vikings, or Samurai -- war and chaos, and death all seem too inevitable. It's as if something that cannot be redeemed from us anymore. Brothers and sisters even turn on each other, but for what? What drives us to continue everything even when the blood in our bodies spilled hundreds of times already?"

- Six years before the events of Warlords and Cowards... -

A ceremony was taking place in a church for the Knighting of a number of people. Priests and clerics assist in the event as the soon-to-be Knights gather in the isle. Among them Alyssa Tigris and Julius Salavander.

Izetta Lorderius: (Narrating) "Knighting ceremonies was the only way that one could get the title, or at least as official as it can get. The Church was always instrumental in the Knightings, but other than that, that's all they did. In those times, the Church and religion as a whole was irrelevant as military power was prized among warlords."

Hours pass by and it finally came to the time when it was Alyssa's turn to be knighted. She hands the bishop her longsword and kneels down afterwards.

Bishop: "Alyssa Tigris, citizen of the Scrublands. You have distinguished yourself a worthy asset, one that the people of Ashfeld need and will depend on. You have proven yourself incorruptible, resourceful, and intelligent, as well as a capable warrior that the invaders will fear. With the power bestowed upon me by God, I now declare you as Warden Alyssa Tigris, Knight of Ashfeld." The bishop says as he taps her shoulders with the blade of the longsword, handing it to the new Warden afterwards.

Alyssa accepts her weapon back, pride swelling in her heart as she does so.

Only a few may join the Order of the Wardens, and yet she has completed everything that she needs in order to be a member. She has one particular noble house to thank for that. She looks to the sidelines and sees her best friend, Janna Goldfire beaming at her accomplishment. While Alyssa doesn't approve of her Janna's antics, she can't help but smile knowing that her friend is proud of her.

She redirects her attention and watches as Seren Lorderius, the lady of the noble house she feels indebted to, hand the bishop a medallion. The bishop takes it and faces Alyssa once more.

Bishop: "This medallion signifies one's duty to our people. Discarding of this medallion is an act of betrayal to the people Ashfeld. In order for you to acquire this medallion, you must pledge you everlasting loyalty to Ashfeld and most importantly, to God Almighty." The bishop says to her.

Alyssa: "I, Alyssa Tigris, do solemnly swear my undying loyalty to Ashfeld and God Almighty. My service shall cease when the day I die comes, but until then, my resolve to serve Him and the people of Ashfeld is absolute." She declares as part of her Knighting.

Bishop: "I see that you have changed several things in the pledge for your own, but it is nonetheless an impressive one." The bishop hands Alyssa her medallion. "Take this medallion, for it is the seal that binds you to the will of God."

Alyssa bows and salutes before standing aside for the next soon-to-be Knight turn. She looks at the medallion she is given; silver with hints of blue dye and in the center are her initials, signifying her permanent ownership.

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