Chapter 21: Who are You?

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I know, I know, took me a while to update. I'm on of those writers who update on their own pace, so this isn't really surprising on me. Also, I have been planning Volume IV on top of that, so yea. Anyways, what's up with that title? :0 Only one way to find out!

Feel the disclaimer's wrath!

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, I would've made the heroes cosplay as Dark Souls characters.


- With Anaximander's group, General POV... -

People who Anaximander gathered, people who supported him as well as (Argen) himself are now all gathered up in the village where the Knights first met Aizu Yoshitade and his small band of Samurai. Today is not the day for greetings, however, for it is here where they will part ways.

The leaders and their lieutenants are gathered up in the town hall discussing the current and future matters.

Hojo: "Three years, I see. If I am to be bold with words, I will say that the only thing we accomplished are the impossible friendships among us all." The male Shinobi and acting daimyo of the Hattori says to the people with him. "Will you Knights be going back to Ashfeld?" He asks the Knights.

Hardrada: "Yes, my friend. We will see what else we can do back home, and find ways to take down Apollyon. If we couldn't do it here, then we do it where we are most familiar." The Darkrose Warden responds to him.

Hojo: "I understand. But what about the Vikings? Surely they can't go back with you in Ashfeld."

Gudmundr: "Me and my brethren will join the Warborn or return back to Valkenheim. Whichever comes first, fate will determine our path." Gudmundr responds.

Anaximander: "Then it is here where we part ways."

Gudmundr: "Anaximander, thank you. My people would've met more struggle if it weren't for you. May Odin guide your paths." The Viking elder says before finally leaving making his way to his men, disappearing from sight soon.

Anaximander: "Hojo, I trust that you know why we are letting the Vikings raid your homeland."

Hojo: "I do. Rest assured that this never happened. Should you need help from me, you are always welcome to come to our place." The Shinobi says with a slight bow and Anaximander nods in response. Yana steps forward this time, and speaks.

Yana: "Anaximander... thank you. And please tell (Lorderius) that I said thanks." She says to the ever mysterious Warden.

Anaximander: "I'm doing what a true Knight would do even if I am a disgraced one, and I'm sure he already knows, but I'll tell him." Anaximander says as he mounts his horse with the help of a Darkrose footman. "I doubt that this is the last time we will see each other, but if we do, it may not be on the same terms as of now."

Hojo: "We'll be counting the days. Goodbye, friends. May your path be a fruitful one." He says as he bows, followed by Yana and their fellow Shinobi.

And thus, the Knights, the Vikings, and the Samurai parted ways to find answers in their own methods. The path remains dangerous, but this time, (Y/n) has secured allies in their fight against Apollyon.

- A couple of weeks later... -

Kalec: "And that's about it. Apollyon assembled a small army in the border between Ashfeld and the Myre, but they never did anything else aside from building fortifications." Kalec finishes explaining the current situation to Anaximander as they march with their men behind. "I don't think I need to emphasize that whatever Apollyon is planning will not be good."

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