Next Door

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Neighbour!Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Summary: You had stopped making friends, but can your neighbour change your mind?

Harrison was taking a small nap on the free weekend afternoon when he was woken up to his phone ringing

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Harrison was taking a small nap on the free weekend afternoon when he was woken up to his phone ringing. He groaned covering his ears with a pillow. He shuffled his arm on the side table trying to find his phone without opening his eyes or removing the pillow, still succeeding.

"Hello," He lightly groaned in the phone, removing the pillow.

"Hello. Are you Mr. Osterfield from flat 202?" A middle-aged woman spoke up.

"Yeah," He sleepily responded.

"Sorry to disturb you I just wanted to ask for your neighbour from next door. 203, Y/n Y/ln. I'm her mom."

He rubbed opened his eyes sitting on his bed. "Yeah what about her?"

"Have you seen her recently? Is she alright?" The woman asked.

"I actually don't know her very well, but I did see her taking groceries this morning. She seemed pretty alright to me." He replied to which the woman sighed.

"Thank god. I was so much worried. She wasn't answering any of the texts or calls this month. I was so freaked out that I had to contact the apartment owner asking for the neighbour's contact. I actually can now guess why she did that. Thanks by the way and sorry to disturb you." The lady was about to hang up when Harrison interrupted.

"Ah, wait. I meant how can you guess when she didn't answer?"

"Oh that. It was her birthday last week and she kinda hates that day and doesn't like me talking about it, so that's the only reason I could think of her, ignoring me."

"Why? Ah--- Sorry for being nosy---"

"I don't mind. But to be honest she never talks about it so I too... Am unaware."

"Oh. Okay. Got it."

"Thanks." And she hung up. 

Harrison kept his phone down and got up deciding to take a warm shower. After showering and scrolling his phone he noticed the call from earlier in his call logs.

How can someone hate their birthday? He asked himself. For Harrison birthdays were one of his best days in the whole year. A day when people didn't bother him for the mistakes he made or the unmade bed or his un-organized flat or messed up kitchen. A day when his friends and family spent quality time with him, even when it meant messing up with their own schedule. All this made him feel special! A little bit extra attention doesn't hurt, right? Damn, doesn't she like feeling special?

Maybe I could visit her. Yeah, I should. I have been living here with her next to me at least for 2 years. I should try to be more social outside my limited friend circle and family. Yeah, I should definitely visit her. Maybe we become good friends. Maybe she turns out to be an interesting person.... who doesn't like her birthday. 

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