Swollen Eye

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Anonymous request: I don't know if your requests are open, but I had this happen to me recently and it might be perfect for a Haz fic? During the night my bf had accidentally hit me right in the eye while sleeping and I woke up with a swollen red eye. When he got home after work he thought someone had attacked me or smt and threw a major fit about it. When I finally told him it was him that had hit me, he was mortified.
Word count: 770 words
Warning: This got lots of drama in it lol

Harrison Osterfield was no doubt a fluffy teddy bear, from the inside

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Harrison Osterfield was no doubt a fluffy teddy bear, from the inside. Contrary, from the outside he was a mass of hard and strong bones and muscles. All the credit goes to the time and efforts he spent in the gym, playing sports, particularly boxing. And that was the exact reason you were greeted with a purple eye when you cheeked yourself in the mirror this morning.

Last night when you and Harrison were sleeping beside each other, he was laying by his side but then he shifted on the mattress to lay flat on his back. Unfortunately during this process, the back of his hand ended up falling over your closed eye from at least ten inches distance in the air. That instant you were extremely sleepy and didn't seem to care. The affected area was mildly stinging and then you fell asleep but now your right eye was all purple and bruised and it was even slightly painful whenever you would smile wide, laugh or clench your eyes tight.

Harrison had left early to work the morning even before you were awake so he was technically unaware and oblivious to the situation going on with your eye. And that could very well explain his reaction when he was finally met with your appearance in the evening.

As soon as he stepped inside the flat and saw you, he dropped the little bag that he was carrying to the floor and ran towards you, cupping your face in his hand.

"Oh my god, love, what happened? Who the fuck dared to hit you?!"

It was impressive to notice how his expressions and tone of the voice changed with the two sentences he uttered one after the other. His soft, caring expressions turned into angry with a blink of an eye. He started with droopy eyebrows and a voice full of worry and ended up spatting and gritting his teeth.

"What no. No one has hurt me." You reply, shaking your head, his hands falling by his side.

"You should not hide this from me. I must tell you, that person will be counting his days." He declares, voice almost threatening.

"It's fine Haz. Nothing has happened, it's just—"

"No, it's not Y/n. This is abuse. You should not hide it. Tell me about it," He tried to calm his voice whilst clenching his fist.

"Harrison, you are worrying for vain—"

He wasn't even allowing you to complete your sentences, interrupting you continuously. It was slowly turning a bit frustrating.

"No, love. You aren't understanding. You need not be afraid, we will take the person down—"

"It's you, Harrison! " You cut his rambles off this time. His mouth opens at first in an attempt to say something but then your words sweep in and he instantly clams his mouth shut.

"What?" He takes a step back, fear sweeping over his facial muscles.

"Did I? Oh my god!" He exclaims, hands reaching out for his curls as he pulls at them.

"No Harrison, listen—" You reach forward but he takes another step back.

"No Y/n, don't touch me. I am a monster. Stay safe, stay away from me," he declares, backing off completely, maintaining a distance of at least six feet.

You glared at him with wrinkled eyebrows, mouth hanging open, hands at your hip.

You tried again, "Harrison you didn't do it on purpose—"

He's fast to cut you again, "I know. I was drunk last night and I hit you. But being drunk is not an excuse. I will—"

"WILL YOU ALLOW ME TO FUCKING SPEAK?!" You yelled, actually shutting him up. He winces and his body freezes. You huff and lower your voice, "Now listen carefully without any interruption," you ordered, pointing a finger at him. He nodded.

"You were asleep and you accidentally, fucking 'accidentally' slapped your hand over my face and that's everything that happened. Over and out."

You sigh while his lips pout to form an 'o'.

You roll your eyes for a moment but then walk up to him and wrap your hands around his body, pressing the side of your face against him.

"Everything is fine Haz. We are fine." You whisper softly. A soft shiver runs down his body, you could feel him shake lightly and then finally he sighs loudly. He wraps his hands around your waist, resting his head over your shoulder, planting a small kiss over the covered spot.

"I was seriously terrified." He admits.

"I know."

"But now it feels funny," he chortles. You can't help but chuckle in response.

"You are a div, Hazza." You say.

"I know." He mumbles this time.

"My div..." You ruffle his hair.


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