🌟☆Adrenaline Rush - 1/3☆🌟

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Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister!Reader (Enemies to ??)

Summary: There has always been a constant clash between you and your brother's best friend. Can anything change that?

It was a privilege to be the only daughter in a house full of boys

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It was a privilege to be the only daughter in a house full of boys. You were the one receiving undue attention of your parents and none of your brothers could complain. Life was going amazing and smooth. But as they say- First comes the blessing of all that you've dreamed,
but then comes the curses of diamonds and rings... You realised your princess status does have some limitations or rather exceptions and that was your brother's best friend.

The first time you met Harrison Osterfield, he was young just like Tom and you. You had no problem with him and were, in fact, happy that Tom got a friend. Also, he seemed pretty sweet and cute, until this friend had his hands on your favourite ever coffee mug and ended up shattering it into pieces. Your fucking favourite coffee mug signed by none other than Robert Downey Jr. himself. It was too much. You started to yell at the young boy, he tried to apologise but you didn't stop yelling at him. You expected your parents and your brothers especially Tom to be on your side but all they did was to tell you- 'You were making a big fuss out of such a small thing.' And even asked you to apologise to Harrison for yelling at him.



From experience, you had assumed Tom's best friend would be gone, just like most friends do. Going away, breaking of bonds that once seemed divine is a reality no one can deny. We make friends, we have families, we fall in love and the next moment woosh... All of it is gone. But this friend of Tom didn't seem to budge any soon. With passing years, he just got closer and closer, so close that all of your family members (except you, for sure) had zero hesitation of calling him a part of the family. Well, you along with all your brothers did receive similar treatment from Harrison's family too but his family was nice, unlike him.

Harrison was definitely mad at you, he had a reason to feel that way. Every time he showed up, all you did was roll your eyes, made a rude, snarky comment and ran to your room, slamming your door as hard as you could. It was surely a humiliating experience for him, even when he tried to gift you an ugly Iron man cup, thinking it could replace the originally signed merchandise, all he received was your humiliation. He had started to ignore you completely, he didn't even say or reply to anything you ever said. He almost denied your presence as much it was possible and when he couldn't you both ended up arguing (which was most of the time).

Your relation with Harrison did make you realise that the feelings you had for him weren't very different from love. Love and hate were very similar, at least physiologically- both produced butterflies in the pit of your stomach, made your heart rate accelerate, not to forget about all that adrenaline rush. You were obsessed with Harrison Osterfield, all day you thought of something that could make him burst out, lose his mind, a sight that you enjoyed. And Harrison was obsessed with you too, always thinking of how to find that perfect word, sentence or action that would silence you.

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