🌟☆Baby Band (Dad!Haz)☆🌟

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Word count: 740 words

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Word count: 740 words

After a long stressful day, you finally called it a day off

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After a long stressful day, you finally called it a day off. Your husband helped you to the bed, helping you lay comfortably on the soft mattress considering the pain in your back. You pressed an ice pack over your aching head, hissing at the temperature change.

Before you could even shut your eyes, you hear a loud shriek followed by the the sounds of crying. It was your little daughter, crying her heart out in the nursery next to your bedroom.

You inhaled a sharp breath. You had overworked yourself, then eaten some leftovers that you shouldn't have eaten and now were truly feeling unwell. It was about eleven at night, you had made sure that Arya was asleep but now she was awake again and crying. You tried to get up from the bed but Harrison was quick to pat your shoulder, insisting you to stay and rest.

"I'll see her, you need rest," he softly kisses your forehead. You hesitate at first but relent when he flashes you one of his famous reassuring smiles, something that you can never say no to.

You simply nod.

Harrison moves out of the room, receiving your approval. You are a little worried because Arya's crying was still audible. She's literally screaming.

What if she needs her mom?

You shift your feet but then back up.

If you go there now maybe, it could upset your lovely hubby. He's a little insecure when it comes to your seven-month-old baby girl. He had previously expressed how she was closer to you than him. You eventually close your eyes trying to calm down your nerves.

Maybe just give Harrison some time.

... You woke up feeling wetness on your pillow. It was the condensation sweeping off the ice-pack. You quickly remove it and place it on the floor, and then your notice Harrison wasn't beside you. You hastily search for your phone, quickly checking the time.

12:25 am

Almost one and a half hour had past and you had no idea when you slept in between this time period. You sit up on the bed, legs swinging by the side, feeling a lot better. The medicines must have started working. And there were no more crying noises from your little one.

But where is Harrison?

You push the door open and are instantly welcomed by the soft music of keyboard playing, plastic drums beating and Arya's giggles. A little grin spreads across your lips as you tip-toe your way to the source and peek your head into the room, secretly seeing the insides through the small crack.

Arya was sitting on the floor, opposite to Harrison, a bunch of toys were scattered all over the floor and in between them. Arya was tapping the mini play-keyboard with her tiny fingers, her diaper cladded tiny chubby butt-cheeks squished against the hardwood floor while Harrison was tapping the little drums with chop-sticks and they both were singing. Legit singing.

"You're a shining star, no matter who you are..." Harrison would sing a line and then end it with a funny 'Oooh' sound and then your little daughter would tap her fingers furiously over the keys and say something like 'Aaah' and 'Eeeh', followed by her giggling and clapping her hands.

You almost melted at the sight, your chest felt like being covered in thousands of fluffy blankets. You slowly push the door wider, the father-daughter duo completely oblivious of your presence as you lean by the wall, watching their professional, tiny rock-band.

You end up chuckling at one point (when they actually try to hit a high-note in chorus), throat choking with the flood of sweet emotions. Harrison's head swirls at you, an instant blush forming over her cheeks. He rubs the back of his neck, shying away like he used to do when you had caught his eye before even starting to date.

You were falling in love again. With a completely new version of Harrison.

"Y-You here," he stutters and bites his tongue. You smile and walk closer, sitting cross-legged beside him.

"Is the membership still open?" You say, picking up the little jingle stick and shaking it in the air, producing sound.

Harrison loudly chuckles but Arya is squealing again.

The girl really needs attention.

You both laugh together as Harrison leans to peck Arya on her cheek while you peck him on his, continuing with the band performance...


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