Stolen hoodies

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Request: Heyllo!! I got a request 😁 Okay, so basically, stealing Harrison's hoodies and tries to be mad, "come on, give it back to me.", and the reader being all cute, but when that didn't work, the reader goes, "If you want it, you can come and get it"

", and the reader being all cute, but when that didn't work, the reader goes, "If you want it, you can come and get it"

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Harrison's room was a pure disaster. The clothes that belonged to his wardrobe were everywhere except for the wardrobe. They were on the bed, the chair, on the floor while he scavenged on them wearing nothing but blue jeans and a white vest.

"Y/n!!!" He called you for the third time and this time you did hear. Well, you did hear him the other two times but no one likes burned pancakes.

"Yeah what?" You leaned over the door frame, grabbing a spatula in your hand as you watched him busy throwing his clothes here and there. He wasn't still looking at you.

"Did you see my grey hoodie? The one with that umbrella logo?"

That totally made you smirk.

"Hmm... I don't think so." You stated pulling at the string of a grey hoodie you were wearing with an umbrella logo on it.

"I even checked in the laundry it..." He did see you this time.

"You were saying something?" The smirk on your lips was bigger this time. His brow twitched at your figure as he threw the fabric in his hand and walked closer to you.

"Are we serious?" He said standing face to face with you.

"Very serious."

He rolled his head back at the response, groaning softly.

"Give it back." He stretched his hand out.

"I can literally see at least ten hoodies lying ideally on your bed." You told, peeping your head into the room.

"But I want to wear this one." He pointed at you.

"Me too. How are we so similar?"

"Come on. Give it back to him." He emphasised again making you roll your eyes.

"Okay..." You said, taking a step back, "If you want it, you can come and get it." That's when you sprinted and he ran after you.

"Stop!" He tried to catch you but you were quick to jump over the sofa.

Soon the house was filled with giggles. And sooner Harrison had his hands wrapped around your waist, your back pressed against his front.

"Now, where were we?" He whispered in your ear, his cold hands sliding inside your (his) hoodie, touching your warm skin, making you shiver. You and he were still giggling when he freezes, his eyes going wide as he stops pulling at the fabric.

"You aren't wearing anything inside... and what is this burnt smell?"

Your eyes go wide too.

The pancakes...

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