chapter 2

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   As you found the field students looked excited and nervous. You grinned walking to the circles where you would be fighting. Midoriya stepped in as well.  Mr. Aizawa counted down. "3". You got in stance. "2". His thoughts were everywhere but you could feel his first attack. "1". You face held no emotion as the words go were uttered Midoriya went with a kick first you grabbed his leg throwing him to the ground with a slam he let out a chocked gasp but got up. You let him get a punch in but then dodged him grabbing his wrist and kneeing him in the gut. You then pinned him to the ground with his arm behind his back. "Never start with a kick"  you critiqued. He got up and nodded with a light bow. You zoomed through a few more giving useful critiques. Finally it was the blond hair kid. Everyone was calling him bakugo. As aizawa counted off you smirked. The kid glared. He then charged at you you dodged sliding to the ground kicking his feet out from under him. He hit the ground with a satisfying thud. Mr. Aizawa had a small smile plastered on his face at that point. The kid growled and went for an onslaught of punches. You chuckled grabbing him fist throwing him to the ground again. He shouted angrily kicking you in the gut. You stumbled back a bit but then grabbed the kid by the leg and throwing him onto the ground holding him the with you foot. "Anger ruins technique and skill" you told him as he looked enraged. "You bitch i should destroy you you quirkless freak!" he yelled getting up with his hand sparking. Then he was wrapped in scarf. Being held by Mr. Aizawa. His quirk was gone he glared defeated. "Apologize to he bakugo. Now!" aizawa shouted. Anger was lacing his tone. You shook your head. "No its fine he doesn't need to"  you insisted. Mr. Aizawa glared at you. "Sorry quirkless bitch." bakugo hissed. the restraints tightened. "Do it right". You looked away shyly as bakugo muttered an apology and was let down. "Go to your next class." aizawa shouted. Walking away putting eyedrops in. You sighed and followed him at a distance into the building. You collapsed onto a couch in the teachers lounge. You stared at you wrist slight burnt from the encounter with bakugo. You searched the lounge for a first aid kit as two people entered a loud blond and aizawa. "Y/n?"  the blond asked. You turned to see hizashi. "Oh! Hey hizashi. Aizawa." you greeted them both with a nod. "You know each other?" aizawa questioned.  You kept searching for the kit. "Duh she was in our class when we went here dummy! I helped her with her name as well" hizashi answered loudly. You made a noise of victory finally finding the kit. You sat on the couch dealing with your burn. "Aizawa was in our class?" you questioned as you felt his gaze on your wrist. "Yeah but you never met cause you were super shy y/n" hizashi pointed out. You gave a light nod wrapping your arm hold some of the bandage in you mouth trying to wrap it. "Look at the time gotta get to class. By y/n. See ya aizawa" hizashi shouted speeding away. You chuckled to yourself. You felt aizawa staring at you as you struggled to wrap your arm. You sighed giving up. You were about to put the kit up when aizawa grabbed your arm and the wrap. He swiftly wrapped it and put the kit up. "Thanks aizawa.." you muttered leaning back on the chair. "You can call me shota if were not around the students. " he answered plainly still gazing at your wrist. "How did that even happen" he asked in his monotone voice. "Oh uh bakugo got a bit too close when he was freaking out"  you answered distractedly. Shota nodded calmly. "The kid has potential but needs control." he told you. You gave a light nod of agreement. You could hear the light whispers of his thoughts but decided not to listen. He then tossed a key at you. "Your my dorm neighbor. I hope you like black."  you caught the key. "Why?" you questioned. "I had to furnish it a that's the color I picked. You nodded as students filled the hall to leave. :Mind showing me the way?" you asked still having no idea where anything was. He nodded. "When the halls calm down." a few minutes later you were at a large teacher dorm. You held your key tightly it digging into your flesh. "Hizashi bought groceries and made some bentos." shota explained while unlocking his door. "So go eat." he said leaving you in the hall. You unlocked the door calmly. Before laughing uncontrollably. The entire dorm was painted different shades of black. You grabbed a bento and plopped on the black bed in you bedroom. You noticed your box of stuff. You pulled a picture of you and hizashi as teens out of it and for the first time you noticed a tired kid in black in the photo. You set it on the night stand and ate the bento before collapsing in the bed. "Its good to see you again shota." you said to no one. As you muttered goodnight falling asleep in the black as hell dorm.

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now