Chapter 38: overcoming.

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After that days flew by. Training, events, dates. Everyday you got stronger. Pushing any negative thought out of your head.

You stared at the ceiling of your room rubbing your eyes. It felt weird to not have any classes till the noon. Plus then you only had two and you were done. All of 1-a was at some more training internships.

You glanced at your calendar smiling at the date. Today was you and shotas one year. You had a small surprise to give him tonight.

You walked to your small office turned child's bedroom and peered in to see Eri already awake playing with a doll. She heard you and looked up with a huge smile.

"Goodmorning." She chimed bubbly.

"Good morning." You smiled. "Pancakes?" You asked her. Her eyes lit up and you held in a laugh before heading to the kitchen.

You could hear her soft footsteps trailing after you. You pulled a little stool out of the cupboard for eri and then grabbed a bowl and a few ingredients.

You and eri cooked then you sat at the table and ate while she told you an animated story about something her and mirio did together.

Soon yamada came and picked up the little girl so you could go teach.  You stopped him at the door.

"Do you know where shota went? I know he had some errands today but I was sure he'd be back before I left." You inquired.

Eri seemed to squirm uncomfortably for a second before straightening out. Strange.

"Ah I have no idea, if I'm being honest the guy probably got distracted by some cats." He answered adjusting his shades.

You nodded uncontrollably. Everyone seemed off about shota. Maybe something happened and they were afraid to tell you. You squirmed at the thought.

You taught your classes with as much enthusiasm as you could muster but your anxiety was getting the better of you.

When you finally finished you saw nemuri out of the corner of your eye.

"Hey nemuri!" You chimed quickly starting after her.

She froze before quickly going the other way. You felt your jaw drop, something was definitely wrong.

You quickly went back to the apartments to get answers out of hizashi. You saw him in the stairwell on your way up.

He looked like a deer in headlights immediately noticing the look on your face. He booked it.

"HIZASHI YAMADA GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" You screeched chasing him up the stairs. But when you made it to your floor he was gone.

You stormed to your apartment opening the door swiftly in a fit of rage just for the sound of Eri's giggles to melt your heart.

You walked to your room to see her in a precious pink dress with her hair in braids. Nemuri stood the second she saw you.

"Sorry seeing you reminded me I was late. I can't say anything or he will kill me." She explained walking out.

You sighed before your eyes caught on a dress on your bed. Something you had been wanting for months. You immediately knew who got it for you.

"Put it on then we gotta go meet me aizawa...I'll show you!" Eri promised before leaving you be.

You put the dress on smiling at the flowy black fabric.

Eri then kept her promise and dragged you out of the apartment. She lead you down a a familiar route before you realized where you were. You and shota's first date.

Eri sat on a small picnic blanket and Beamed excitedly.

You couldn't help but smile in return. "Alright princess what's going on, what has mr. aizawa got planned.

She shook her head but smirked causing you to sigh.

"Ah I trained her this morning, kid won't break. Hizashi tried." Shota's voice rang out behind you.

You spun around to see him in a button up, clean shaven with his hair up. You almost flinched from surprise.

"You clean up nice." You chimed with a grin.

He shrugged but smirked.

"So care to explain what all this is." You asked skeptically, pretending you were annoyed.

"I will in just a second."

"Wha-" you started to speak but were distracted as all of the flowers started to bloom. Eri looked absolutely stunned.

You heard a throat clear and you spun around just to have to look down.

Shota was there on one knee looking awkward as hell.

You were shocked you couldn't even laugh.

"Listen me and you have been through a lot, and I really do care about you y/n so I'm going to skip all of the crap and just ask you, will you Marry me?"

You felt your heart stop. Tears pricked your eyes just a little bit. You nodded not trusting your voice before you ended up whispering yes anyway.

He kissed you quickly, pulling you in his arms. You two sat in each other's embrace until someone hugged your leg.

You smiled at eri. "You hear that munchkin, there's gonna be a wedding."

She grinned ear to ear. "We're a family!" She cheered.

"Yup, were a family."

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now