chapter 6

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    Saturday. No classes just plain freedom so you started it how how any rational 26 year old would.

Sitting on your couch eating candy for breakfast and watching cartoons. You were sitting contently before you door burst open. You screamed throwing your bag of candy hitting hizashi in the face.

You gasped in relief sinking into your couch. "Its not healthily to eat candy for breakfast" hizashi scolded. A tired hum of agreement was heard from behind him.

"Oh my apologies mom and mom." you replied sarcastically muttering gay lovers under your breath. You were then pulled from the couch. "Were getting coffee and your coming with us" hizashi told you sternly. You gave up starting to wake with them hizashi tried to cheer you up by saying he would pay but you missed your couch and candy.

The coffee shop was quaint and small but cute it smelled of espresso beans and baked goods. You got a black coffee and a blueberry muffin which smelt heavenly. Hizashi got a super sugary drink and Shota got a black coffee.

You called Shota boring. He shrugged so you stuck your lounge out. He let out a small chuckle. That hizashi started talking about school events coming up. You weren't focused though you ate and thought about what shota said last night.

"What do you think y/n?" Hizashi chimed. You gave a confused look. "Do you wanna go shopping." Hizashi asked. "Oh why not."

Half An Hour Later You Had A Bag of Pop Figurines And Some Posters For Your room. One of them secretly being of eraser head. Hizashi then took you all out for lunch. You got a bowl of ramen and a glass of water it was nice just talking with the boys. Shota even joined the coversation.

After lunch you and the guys sat in your dorm watching movies and eating junkfood. You drew on hizashi's face when he fell asleep. Then you and Shota just talked. You smiled brightly as the conversation kept on through the day.

When hizashi woke up he chased you around the dorm upset about his face.

Around 9 hizashi left. So you and Shota just watched more movies

"So...what did you mean someone would be destroyed if something happened to me?" You asked shota keeping your eyes on the screen.
  He stayed quiet for a second. "As your friend I'd pretty upset if you died you know."

You didn't respond the word friend stung a bit but that's what you were so why feel hurt. "I'm glad I'm your friend shota." You answered with a small smile in his direction he smiled back. It was nice

An hour later you were both asleep. Though you were half on half off the couch.

When you woke up you were in your bed. You got up quickly going into the kitchen. a cup of coffee and Shota were waiting. You couldn't help but smile. The male scrolled through his phone. You plopped into a chair and sipped the coffee.


"No problem" shota answered looking up. He looked exhausted.
Your smile disappeared.
"Bedrooms open go take a nap" you told him getting up to cook breakfast.

He was about the protest but you held your hand up silencing him. He sighed muttering a good morning and leaving to sleep.

After a bit you brought shota a plate of waffles setting them on the night stand and relaxing into a bean bag with your own food.

When he finally woke up he ate the waffles silently. "Thank you...for letting me stay over. And for uh breakfast" shota  told you. All you did was nod and smile.

"It was nothing" you told him a light smile on your face. Your gaze was on your own phone so you didn't notice the blush on shota's face.

"You know shota your probably like my best friend" you told him chuckling at your comment staring up at the ceiling.

Shota laughed as well "I could say the same thing." He replied.

"That's good" you replied grinning as silence took over the room. Then you started humming and....

It was tranquillity for now

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon