chapter 16: mystical places and moon light kisses

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  You spent the next day with Blair. You took her out to do some stuff before your date tonight. And you were excited because for once she seemed to enjoy it.

"You did tell dad you were taking me shopping today right?" she asked during lunch. You had dropped you fork at the word dad and she quickly covered her mouth.

"I mean hizashi! Don't you dare tell him!" she quickly told aggressively but you were to busy grinning to care.
"Awwwww you careeee about him!" you squealed excitedly.
"If you tell him it'll go straight to his head." she pointed out.

The rest of the trip you teased her but suggested she get him a gift as a thank you for letting her stay with him.
"What do old mean even like?" she asked with a huff
"He isn't that old." you pointed out.

"Fine. I could get him new head phones? He hasn't stopped complaining about his old ones sucking"

You just gave a nod of approval and dragged her to the tech store where she took thirty minutes to pick a pair. None of them were good enough till she found the perfect set. Then you took her home.

You waited with Blair for hizashi to get home so she want bored and krysti helped by painting her nails. You couldn't help but smile at the small family you created.

When hizashi had gotten home you had painted Blair's nails and convinced her to pin her hair out of her face she was extremely hesitant with that one because of her burns but you forced her to anyways

You laughed as Blair got his attention by yelling his name twice and then finally screaming dad. He defiantly responded to dad. He gasped with a huge grin before noticing the gift in her hands.

"Aunt y/n suggested I get you something as a thank uh hear." she placed the head phones in his hands  and tried to shuffle away but was wrapped in a bear hug by hizashi who was misty eyed and grinning. You yourself were grinning at the words aunt y/n.

You then finally left to get ready for your date. You threw on some black ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top with a skeletal design on it. You hesitated before tying a flannel around your waist then you swooped into the bathroom and applied the smallest bit of mascara before brushing your hair and throwing it into a bun.

You then shoved your wallet and phone in one pocket and keys in the other. You plopped onto your couch and nervously let out a shout into on of the poor throw pillows.

"Wow what's up with you. Looks like your about to kill" krysti voice rung into you ears. You let out a yelp of surprise chunking a pillow at her.

"Ouch fine ill leave!" she told you with a huff.
"Good! Im busy anyways. I have plans tonight!" you scolded with a frown.
"Use protection! Im not ready to be an aunt.!" was all she said before running off to hizashiss dorm.

You went to close the door but were immediately meet by shota.
"Oh wow" you blurted shyly.
He was wearing his hair in a bun and had on a mcr shirt with some black jeans and black converse.
"You just gonna stare?" he asked with the smallest smile.

Your face heated up as you followed him. The small walk was filled with light conversation a few laugh and a couple of smiles.
Then he took you to a small restaurant. It was a small ramen place. You both got a random thing and you got an apple juice well he got a water.

"A pro-hero drinking apple juice. Never thought id see that" shota said with a grin.
"Oh yeah sure Mr.boring who got water" you retorted.

After that he took you to a hill that sat over a valley of flowers though none of them were bloomed. You raised an eyebrow at him and he just smiled.

You looked back to the flowers to see them blooming slowly in the moonlight. You gasped grinning ear to ear.

"Its beautiful shota" you whispered sitting on the grass. Shota joined you sitting next to you.
"Eh. I've something way more beautiful." he replied smiling lightly.

"What? Hizashi?" you teased with a light smile.
"You" he replied turning to stared into your eyes.
You felt mesmerized as you got lost in his dark eyes the moon light reflecting from them. You didn't even realize how close your faces were till he closed the gap.

It was light not to long or short, his lips were slightly chapped compared to yours. You felt dazed as he pulled away. The kiss was perfect . Your blush resting on your face still noticeable in the pale moonlight. You couldn't help but smile at the male.

"That's also beautiful."
"What?" you asked.

"Your smile"

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now