chapter 26: the world is double sided

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The big three visited that day and helped the students by fighting them.

you cringed everytime a student was  destroyed by togata. shota looked emotionless as ever. and todoroki was staring at the fight somewhat intensely.  you watched midoriya dodge an attack. "YEAH MIDORIYA!!!!" you screamed startling shota and todoroki. You then cringed as right after he was slammed to the ground. "Sorry!" you shouted thinking you broke his train of thought.

After that you heard the students whispering you listened in to their conversation. "Mr.aizawa and Ms. Y/n are totally dating. No doubt!" you heard mina whisper excitedly. You walked over and set a hand on her shoulder causing her to stiffen. Kaminari looked terrified and mineta was sweating.

"I love that you all are such close friends...but my relationships shouldn't worry you. During class you all will be running till I say you can stop." you spoke quietly where only they could here before smiling brightly and walking away. "Goodluck you chimed leaving the groaning kids.

Before your class you always had some free time so you were headed to the teachers lounge humming until you were knocked to the ground agressivly. "The fuck!" you squeaked pushing the person off you. Anger was flooding through you. Until you saw it was todoroki.

He looked at you and gasped. "Im sorry sensei Y/n "  he said blandly. You shook you head before staring at him. "Why were you going so fast! Shouldn't you be in mic's class?" you asked helping him up.
"I got mad at bakugo and asked to go to the restroom. Normally I wouldn't have been fazed but he brought my old man into it"

"What? Why is that so bad. I know you two don't have the best relationship but..." you trailed off seeing his expression change.
There was silence.
"You can talk to me todoroki. Im your sensei its my job to support you" you pleaded setting a hand on his left shoulder.

Then he broke telling you the entire story. You listened quietly until he was done then hugged the poor child. "Don't you fucking worry. Your going to be an amazing hero. Not for your dad. Not for me. But for yourself" you told him sternly your e/c eyes basically piercing into him. "Now go back to class and if bakugo starts saying shit you tell me before practice and his ass will run." you finished walking off before stopping you then turned to him.

"And if you dads shit consider me your new parent. Come to me if something's wrong. Ill fix it. You need something im the person" you finished leaving the kid in the hall way.

When you burst into the teachers lounge nemuri looked at you with shock. You realized how pissed you seemed and relaxed a bit. "Sorry just stressed" you told her sitting at you computer running a hand through your hair. "Your fine! By the way your boyfriend said he left coffee for you on the counter for you and he had to get something." she told you already back to her perky self.

You nodded And headed to small kitchen area immediately seeing the sticky not labeled drink. 'For Y/n. Back off hizashi.' you read it with a small smile taking the drink and sipping it happily. The bell rung signaling passing period. You headed out the door bumping into mic.

"You good?" you asked with a confused look.
"Blair bitch slapped bakugo for todoroki and screamed flame brothers when I asked why." he responded with a sigh.
You shoved what was left of you coffee in his hand. "Enjoy" you said running to your class.

"MINA. KAMINARI. MINETE BLAIR AND BAKUGO YOUR RUNNING TILL I SAY STOP" you yelled aggressively "no quirks! If you have a problem with it your getting dorm duty for a fucking week" you hissed motioning to the track.

"Every one else start stretching! Were doing extreme sparing today!" you yelled hearing a chime of groans. you watched as the group started running and kids started stretching.

"Remind me to never piss you off" shota said from behind you casing you to jump lightly. "Noted" you said before glaring at the runners. "I SAID RUN NOT JOG!" you shouted as they picked up pace. Shota just raised an eyebrow. "What did they do?"

"Minete, mina and kaminari can't mind their own business. Bakugo needs to respect others and Blair needs to not slap bakugo." you told him with a sigh.

"Well don't worry. Ill be sparing for you since your backs still shit." he said walking past you giving you a warm smile before walking emotionless to the kids.

He had a whole other side

And you were what brought that side out.

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now