chapter 15: fuck you krysti

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The week went on until the students got there small break before summer training. The teachers still had to stay in their dorms but got o relax. And as time went on shota and krysti started....disliking each other. That is if disliking means trying to stab each other.

You were of course w little upset with there new hostility but ignored it. You were extremely thankful towards hizashi who offered to let krysti stay with him and Blair till krysti had a dorm. And krysti loved Blair but mostly adored hizashi.

"He is so energetic! " she told you one day as you two were watching TV. Then for the rest of the evening she just told you about hizashi. You laughed at this.

On a Monday afternoon you left krysti and shota at the apart meant to get groceries.

"So you and y/n huh?" krysti asked him her face in a half grin.
"What? Were just friends." he told her calmly still staring at the now larger cat in front of him.
"Bullshit. You basically live with her. You at least like her more than a friend!" she told him her grin now a fake smirk.

"Even so its none of your business. Me and y/n are friends and that shouldn't concern you" shota responded.

"Well she likes you" krysti blurted lifting a pop figurine of the shelf and floating it around with her quirk.
"How do you know?" he retorted his patience getting thinner.
"Duh she told me dumbass. " she hissed glaring at the male.

"Im not a 'dumbass'" shota growled turning to meet her glare.
"You sure? Cause you act like one" krysti scoffed.
"Says the immature child who can keep her friends secrets" he replied rolling his charcoal eyes. Krysti shot him a glare before smirking and throwing the pop figurine at him.

He let out a surprised gasp about to throw the figurine back before realizing it was one of your favorites so instead he set it on the table and got up shoving krysti.

"Oh its on emo bitch!" she grinned.
"Your one to talk edgy whore!" he growled in response.

By the time you got home they were both back at their seperat corners but you could see the damage on there faces. Krysti had a black eye and shota had a scratch down the side of his face.

"I was gone for 15 minutes!" you cried out throwing the groceries down going to grab the first aid kit. When you got back the groceries were picked up and sat on the table.

You went to help shota first since the was blood.
"Who started it?" you asked.
"Me. Again" krysti told you honestly.
"You know the rule. Go to hizashi's and stay there for a bit." you told her with a sigh.  She waved good bye and stuck her tongue out at shota who scoffed.

You put some antiseptic on a cue tip.
"This will sting" you told him. He only nodded.
You heard him hiss as you cleaned the wound. You shuffled through the kit and pulled out a box of bandaids then shota voice interrupted you.

"Do me?" he asked quietly.
You dropped the band aids with a yelp before collecting yourself.

"Of course. Your my best friend." you told him calmly.

"No i- do you have feelings for me?" he asked. You blush spread across your face. "Why are you asking." you squeaked

"Krysti said you I decided to check that"

That bitch!

You unwrapped a band aid put it on his scratch and stared into his charcoal eyes. They were gorgeous.

"Yes" you told him almost sternly before kissing the bandaid on his cheek, standing up and leaving the apartment. Then the dorms. Then the school. Then You ran to a coffee shop near by ordering black coffee and sliding into a chair with a squeal. You stared into your coffee before picking it up and leaving.

You brought the coffee to your dorm and entered it. You noticed the groceries had been put up along with the first aid kit. You took a drink of coffee before entering the kitchen just to see your table and spit it into the sink.

On the table sat a eraserhead pop figure some cookies and a small note.  You opened the paper to read the words

Tomorrow at seven?

You walked over to shot's apartment with your coffee. You let yourself in and saw him asleep in the couch. So being the loving person you were you screamed yes at the top of your lungs causing him to yell and jump up.

"What!?" he asked surprised.
"I said yes. Id love too" you responded with a smile before handing him the coffee and leaving but not before hearing him shout


"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon