chapter 29 : man that sucks.

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  Your eyes barely opened at first. You had to force them open to the bright white light. The light was so intense you panicked. Was this death, then you closed them again and reopened your eyes seeing a glimpse of white tiles. You let out a raspy groan before hearing muffled crys and noises coming from multiple people.

You let your eyes adjust before seeing the face of you students and hizashi. Kirishima was the first to approach you. "Are you ok mom! I thought you were dead" he cried out.

"A-aizawa" you groaned attempting to sit up. Multiple hands were then on you trying to lie you back down but you insisted until you saw him asleep in a hospital chair. You fell back with an agonized groan. "Are you trying to split your stomach open stay down woman!" bakugo hissed. You smiled lightly at this.

Your eyes were locked on shota as you saw his hand twitch. He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes. "Thanks hi-" he trailed off as his eyes landed on your awakened figure.

"HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN AWAKE! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!" he shouted causing you to laugh. His eyes immeadiatly locked back onto you. Hizashi took one look at his face and started herding the students out. Before sending one more look to you and shutting the door.

Then he was by your side his hand intertwined with yours and his head on your chest. "You almost died..." he muttered quietly. You set your free hand on his head. "I think you exaggerating a bit. Its just a stab wound-" you answered quietly.

The male looked up at you with exhausted eyes. "You fucking flatlined....for 32 seconds...." he retorted staring at you.
"I......that's- were you injured!" you blurted immediately realizing the one thing you had forgotten.

"Was I injured!? You died!" he shouted with a sigh. You let out your own sigh before pulling his face up so you could look him in the eyes. "What's important is your alive and were here together" you told him. You couldn't help but feel your own tears prick your eyes when you saw his rolling down his cheeks. You wiped them away with a swift motion.

"You promised me you would try to not get hurt." he whispered. "Some promises have to broken. You would have died. You were defenseless." you responded applying a light kiss to his scar.
Then you wrapped him in a hug.

After that recovery girl came in and helped out. But after she did you fell asleep again due to the energy it took to heal that. You woke up to a subtle ache. It wasn't as bad as before and from what you heard recovery girl had been slowly healing your wound since you arrived. You looked around the empty room and noticed a bag.

You stood and searched through it. Shota's clothes. You changed into some jeans and one of his shirts carefully to make sure you don't pull anything or ruin anything just healed. The clothes were black and a little to big but worked. The door opened at that time shota and hizashi's conversation ending as the two stared.

"I can stand." you blurted akwaredly. Hizashi started laughing as shota still silently stared. "Is.....that my shirt.....and jeans" he asked causing Hizashi to double over in laughter.  "It its mine"

"Man that sucks....I liked that shirt." he mumbled.
"I like it too." you responded with a smile then before you could say anything you were pulled into a hug. Your first real hug since the event. You smiled tangling your finger in his hair and resting against him until Hizashi clear his throat. "If she wants to be discharged we gotta get going."

You visited togata and paid your respects to night eye while paper work was being down by shota and Hizashi. Then you got to leave. The car ride was full of excitement. You kept giving shota kisses on the cheek and he held your hand tightly not letting go.

The second you entered the dorm lobby everyone stopped. Uraraka stared straight at you. "Ochaco it wasn't your fault. You couldn't have stopped what happened" you told her quietly before holding your arms out for a hug. You felt not only her but a bunch of other students joining the hug. You smiled brightly.

Then the students immediately started bombarding you with questions. You sat and talked with them hand in hand with shota who still refused to let go. A bunch of the girls giggled about that.

Later that night you asked him about it.

"Why have you held my hand all day?" you asked laying on his chest.

"Because I almost lost you once...."
"And I never letting go again"

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now