chapter 30: ah shit

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     (No more manga spoilers!!!!)

     You decided that morning you would cook breakfast for all the students. You did it slowly. Well actually you did everything slowly due to your still slightly injured side but hey it was fine.

The students were in the lobby slowly waking up. It was nice some of them were half asleep but in their uniforms and others were wide awake and being productive. You sat humming to your self finishing up before you heard a loud obnoxious yell.

"Mic said she was in here so which on of you little brats know where my daughter is. I swear to god she is dead the second I see her!"

You gazed into the lobby to see her. Your mom. Looking passed and a bunch of confused children. The hizashi burst in. "Mrs. L/n I told you I would go get her! Your not supposed to be in here" he huffed.

You walked to go diffuse the situation. "Mom chill your distracting the students. Its fine everyone!" you yelled. You met your moms gaze. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS ITS NOT EVERYDAY YOU GET A CALL FROM A HOSPITAL SAYING YOUR DAUGHTER WAS STABBED!" she screamed pulling you into a hug.

"Mom im fine. Recovery girl healed me. And the rest of it will be natural." you explained calmly. You couldn't help but smile at your mom. And then she smiled back at you. Then you were both laughing in the lobby as students stared.

The rest of the morning went well. Small talk. Talk about your cat. Teaching. And near death experiences but then a question came up.

"When you were in the hospital they said you had a man named shots aizawa waiting with you.....who is he" your mom asked sipping her tea. You stopped for a second and realized your mom had no idea who shota was.

"Well....he is uh-" you started to explain but was immediately cut off by shota saying "me" and taking a seat at the table.

"Ah. Are you two close friends?" she asked smiling and shaking the males hand. " this is" you explained slightly flushed.

Then it was silent. No one spoke. It was suffocating.
"I see" she finally answered.
"AND YOUR JUST NOW TELLING ME THIS! YOU NEVER CALL ME ANYMORE" she scolded. You glared at shota as he smirked slightly. 

The rest of the day went well. You all went to dawns bakery. You were surprised to see someone else working with her. You peered at him but couldn't really see his face then he dissapeared into the back.


After that you were hugged to death as your mom was about to depart. Though something happened. Your moms normally cheerful personality vanished. She placed a hand on your shoulder and stared into your eyes. "Y/n please....I need you to stop risking your life like that....sweetie my heart can't take it much longer.....all those scars on you are such painful don't need more." she told you tears streaming down her face.

You pulled her into a hug. Before responding. "Im okay mom. Were okay. Im alive and have no intention of dying" you told her with a small smile.

"Good. Now you better call me the second he proposes. I love you my turtle" your mom called over her shoulder and then she was gone.

You leaned against shota your eyes peering into the distance. You could feel his gaze and all the questions buzzing around in his head. "I know what your thinking....and it has something to do with may other quirk...the mind reading one...the one I don't use often..." you told him quietly.

"What.....did she mean by scars?" he asked quietly.

"My dad wasn't the greatest person.....most of my childhood didn't have him in it. The only part that really did was the year I got my quirks....he loved the mind reading one....used me to make sure mom wasn't cheating on him. To win poker. To do all this shit..." you told him mindlessly the story spilling out.

"I got tired of it.....I rebelled....and he didn't like that so he took action and everything after that was a he's dead." you whispered resting against your boyfriend.

" have I......ah shit....I love you" he told you wrapping you in a gentle hug as the cool air settled around you.

"I love you too sho. And if my mom tried to pressure you into marriage stuff you don't have to." you told him changing the subject.

"Id love to marry you.....just not yet." he whispered before kissing you.

You couldn't wait until that day

"ruined tranquility"  shota aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now