chapter 31 : who the frick are you

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        you spent the next few days with the students and with shota and then eri when she woke up. everyone wanted to hear every detail of the event. well except for eri. the sweet heart just wanted to make sure you were ok. you promised her every time it wasn't her fault. thanks to recovery girl you were quick to go back to class and train.

     The second you got the ok to fight you were battling students pushing them to their limits. every day you would fight them having the others take notes and offer critiques. shota was extremely frustrated with your new no rest mentality but rarely said anything about it.

          Another thing occurring was blair's new uneasiness. she was extremely jumpy and constantly tired. the girl fought with huge passion though and her grades were perfect. if anything she fought too hard during practice. she couldn't get enough critiques from you and spent every moment she good training. she even asked you for one on one training after classes. you asked hizashi about it but he just told you she had been acting normal when he was around her so you let it go.

          The following Saturday you went to dawn's bakery while shota graded. the smell of freshly baked pastries greeted you. Some song played quietly from a speaker. you looked around for dawn but only saw a guy in a black and white hoodie. he saw you and flipped his hood down and gave you a cheerful smile. "hi there what can i get cha"

        you stared at the guys brown eyes and then his teal hair. he had stitches under his eyes and at the corners almost reminded you of dabi"s staples but it was different. you raised an eyebrow before asking "who the frick are you?"

              "oh...uh you can call me ray. im one of dawns employees. well only for this week. rent went up so i needed the extra cash...but do you want to order now?" he told you looking away. you muttered the name to yourself before nodding. "ill take two dozen muffins. half chocolate chip half blueberry please." you told him as he slipped on some gloves and grabbed some boxes. he filled the boxes and handed them to you. you passed him some cash and were about to leave when he spoke again.

"you're the hero that almost died last week right?"

           you turned to see him smiling. it was unsettling. " yeah that's me....whats it too you" your response laced with caution . "oh im a hugeeeee fan. ive watched every battle i could. you kinda saved my life once" he grinned. you nodded. "well it was good meeting you but i really need to get these back" you replied.

            His smile faded. " was lovely meeting you. see you later" he answered walking to the back. you headed back to the school a feeling of uncertainty in your stomach. you walked into the dorms and set the muffins on the kitchen counter. tokoyami was the first to grab one. he thanked you calmly and left. you grabbed one for you and one for shota then went to bring it to him.

 The rest of the day you were debating on telling shota about the encounter.

      After that you got good news. eri was in ua's custody. you got to pick her up and togata came with. midoriya was super excited.

           you spent a while making candy apples with eri showing her how. Her smile almost made you cry. you saw her excitement when you handed her one. you put on a movie and started watching until hizashi came in and tapped your shoulder. "nezu needs us now." he whispered before heading off. you turned to a concerned midoriya "watch eri ill be right back." you told him heading after hizashi.

     you we're greeted with a tv playing the news and a gut with a bandana around his neck. the others teachers eyes we're glued to the screen. your eyes locked on the screen. there it was. dawns bakery in flames. next to it was his picture. at first you thought he had been killed until you heard what they were saying. "this man is extremely dangerous and killed two"

             your head was spinning. you suddenly felt extremely nauseous . you stared at the screen starting to shake. you ran to the small trash bin nezu had in his office. you vomited and felt a hand on your shoulder. the room was quiet until you saw shota walk in out of the corner of your eye.

             you then saw who had set a hand on your shoulder. the bandana guy. he backed off the second shota ran over to you. "are you okay! what happened?" he asked helping you up. "i know the guy who burned down the bakery" you rasped. the bandana guy turned to you. "how has he not killed you yet?" he asked.

"what?" you asked staring at him.

             "that man is a hero killer like stain. except worse he does it for fun...he kills everyone he knows" the male responded. you stared at him examining him. he had his hair in a bun one strand in his face. tinted glasses stopped you from seeing his eyes and he had devices around his wrists.

"i just met him today.....who are you though....and why are you here."

          "my name is and my students we're attacked today....were from America we flew here on emergency jet line...the bakery wasn't the only attack..."

"these attacks.....have been happening across the world"

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