Chapter 21 The Artist

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In the beginning there was nothing.
            -Groucho Marx




There is a reason I picked Earth for a planet. When they gave me a description of the world and explained the difficult and complicated nature of human beings, I knew this was where I belonged.
Even when I was a Dragon, I was somewhat of an Artist. I loved making figures in the jelly-like atmosphere with my acid. The colors on that planet were soft and light and slightly shifted whenever I moved through them.
Earth has more color, more variety. And I have hands to paint with. I suppose you could say it’s an obsession of mine.
It’s how I met Burns.
I hadn’t been living on Earth that long and I was exploring the planet. He was researching the vegetation in that particular area. I thought it was fascinating. He would take samples of plants and photos.
When he saw my paintings he asked if I would make some drawings of the plants for him. We’ve been close friends ever since.
I can’t believe he met a girl now.
Not that he hasn’t met girls before, they were just never around for the long run. He hadn’t met his partner yet. But by the sound of if, this one may last.
She has a lovely voice, a bit shy, but that may change.
I smirk. Burns has been playing quite the hero, nursing an injured leg. He should have brought her to a Healer, but no, he had to fix it himself.
He must have been quite taken with her. He did sound rather happy when we talked in the phone.
I’m happy for him. He deserves to be with a nice girl. And she seems to share his passion for traveling.

I look up from the landscape I‘ve been doing. It turned out rather well. I’m quite happy with it. Light Singer will be happy too when I hand it to her.
I wipe my hands on a towel and put my brushes away. I’ve painted enough for one day. It’s time to grab something to eat.
The radio is on in the background, playing soft melodies that I don’t recognize.
My eyes scan the freezer and land on a pizza. A grin works its way to my face. Just what I’m in the mood for.
I shove it in the oven and pick up the phone to call Light Singer. It doesn’t take her long to answer.
“Hi,” I tell her, “it’s Scales here. How are you?”
“I’m great thank you. Did you finish the painting?”
“Yes. That’s why I called. Do you want to come pick it up? I’m making pizza.”
There’s a sigh on the other end. “That’s not fair,” she says, but there’s a smile in her voice, “you know I can’t resist that.”
I chuckle. “I know. That’s why I asked.”

Light Singer lives three blocks down from me. We get together sometimes, but we’re not serious. It’s just physical. These human bodies have needs. Being human is far more difficult than the stories lead to believe.
I set the table and wait for Light Singer. She’s pretty to human standards I suppose, with her short red hair and sparkly green eyes. She chose home decoration as her Calling. I had her decorate my loft. That’s how we met. She told me how glad she was being able to see for a change. She had lived with the Bats for two life terms. She loved to fly and it was a warm planet, but now that she’s been on Earth, she wouldn’t trade it again.

The bell rings and I let a smiling Light Singer in. She closes her eyes and sniffs approvingly.
I chuckle. “Almost done. Just a little patience.”
She smiles at me and hangs up her coat. “The smells are making me hungry.”
“Aren’t you always?” I tease her.
“Am not!” she gaps, but she smiles, so I know she’s not angry. She follows me further inside and immediately her eye falls on the painting. “It’s beautiful,” she says.
“Thank you.” It’s always nice to receive a compliment.
“Are you sure you want me to have it?”
I nod. “Of course. That’s why I made it.”
Light Singer smiles again, but a ping from the kitchen distracts her for a moment. Pizza’s ready.
“Come on,” I say, “let’s eat.” I don’t have to tell her twice. She’s already ahead of me, probably knows her way around my kitchen better than I do.
I take the pizza out of the oven and divide it into equal parts.
“Guess who I talked to,” I say as we both sit down at the table.
Light Singer looks at me curiously. “Who?”
I stall as I bite down on a slice of pizza and slowly chew it.
Light Singer leans her head on one hand and patiently waits for me to swallow.
“Burns’ mate,” I tell her and take another bite.
“Burns?” she asks surprised, “your friend from Fire World?”
I nod.
“Wow, so he finally found someone he wants to spend this life term with?”
“Yeah,” I say, “I didn’t think it would happen any time soon. He’s never spoken about getting a partner, even though he’s been with others. It seems quite serious though with this one.”
“Does she have a name?”
Light Singer blinks in surprise. “She kept the name of her host?”
“Apparently so,” I nod, “Burns says she’s never been on another planet before.”
“She was born on Earth? I feel sorry for her. Her first planet is such a difficult place.”
“Yeah,” I agree, “but humans have a short lifespan. I think she’ll try the Singing World next. Burns mentioned that she loves music.”
“Then she’ll like it there,” Light Singer smiles with a dreamy look.
I give a faint smile. She still misses that planet sometimes. She likes Earth better, she says, but only because she has vision here. It’s why she chose Home Decoration as her Calling. At least here she can see. She likes it that way.
I finish my pizza and wait for Light Singer to finish to.
“What does she look like?” Light Singer asks.

“I don’t know,” I tell her, “we only talked on the phone. I called Burns and she picked up. She’s a bit shy. I’m going over in a week or so. Wanna come?”
Her face lights up. “That would be great! But I have to finish the house I’m working on first. I can’t leave them with half a room.”
“Of course,” I nod, “let me know when you’re finished and we’ll go.”
“Can’t wait!” Light Singer squeals.
I smile at her excitement and clean the table. “I’m sure Burns would like to see you again too.” They only met once. Burns made some pictures of her displays. I think he even showed them to a magazine, because she received a lot of new clients after that.
“And I’ll get to make a new friend,” Light Singer smiles, “I’ll tell her about the Singing World. Maybe she can sing for us.”
“Burns did mention she plays guitar.”
Light Singer leans against the counter next to me. “Maybe she can teach me. What is her Calling?”
“She’s an Artist, I think. Burns says she can draw beautiful pictures.”
“So you have a lot in common with her.”
“I really want to see her work.”
Light Singer nods. “I can understand that.” She tilts her head. “What is your next project?”
I shrug. “I don’t know yet. Did you have anything in mind?”
“Yes,” she smiles at me, “I thought that maybe you could paint…me.”
I blink at her. “I made you a portrait two weeks ago.”
She laughs and shakes her head.
Before I can think of any reaction, she has taken a step towards me and her lips touch mine.

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