Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When we get home we say hi to both our parents . Me and leen then go to my room. I look through my purse to find my phone and i see a little piece of paper with a phone number on it . Who could it be ? I want to ask leen but she will probably start acting like a bitch again . I ignore the paper and just use my phone . Leen start watching vines on my laptop and she suddendly screams .

" omg what ?! You scared me . " I got up and walk towards her . She screams back to me " MATTHEW THE DUDE YOU TALKED TO IS FUCKEN VINE FAMOUS " . I laugh so hard . I thought she was lying to me . She slapped my head and showed me the vines . I didnt say anything but take the laptop away from her and start looking at the vines . Apparently he was in some group called magcon but it ended . & Now he just did meet and greets with the same boys but they werent part of the name anymore . Me and leen kept on stalking him and the other boys . She kept on saying this carter dude was hot . But i couldnt stop thinking about matt . I laughed so hard at what girls commented . They where obsessive fangirls .

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