Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

The boys run in to our room screaming at us to wake up . I cover my self since i was naked . They scream " SOMEONE GOT IT IN TONIGHT ". Matthew laughs and says we will get ready in 30 minutes . The boys leave and i hop in the shower . I decided to wear sunflower short , white crop top and a black loose cardigan .

Matthew = daauum you look hot

Maddie = shuttup c'mon lets go

We ran into the venue before girls could surround us . Inside the boys where doing vines and saying stupid stuff through the microphone . We got into our positions for the meet and greet . I sat beside them just watching as they meet fans . I took pictures with some girls . It was fun but tiring . After a while i could tell the boys where not in the mood anymore but they tried to make every fan feel special . All of a sudden a girl throws me a empty water bottle and screams " YOU WHORE ! YOU DONT DESERVE MATTHEW ". They boys saw and surrounded me covering me from her . I panic i didnt know what to do. Matthew hugged me and moved to the backstage . All the boys started asking if i was okay but i was to nervous to talk . I just cried . They didnt want to continue the meet and greet till the girl left . I could hear her screaming mean stuff to me . It really hurt my feelings

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