Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The boys had to finish the meet and greet but i stayed backstage. About 2 hours later the boys came back . They said girls where asking how i was and if i would come outside to take pictures . Tbh i didnt like this at all . I was scared . Ive never been in a fight before . I just looked down when they told me that . We walked to the lobby to get a key for our room cause matthew lost it . The boys wouldnt leave my side . They didnt let any fan get near them . They said they would call security if they did . I felt bad but i was just scared of everyone . Me and matthew went into my room and the boys chilled at camerons room. I was still hurt over what had happened , and matthew didnt seem to understand

Matthew = lets go out ?

Maddie = i kind of just want to stay in today , and watch tv ?

Matthew = i didnt bring you to san diego for you to do that ?

Maddie = i understand but after what happened i dont want to go outside

Matthew = nothing is gonna happen c'mon lets go

Maddie = no matthew im not going , i dont feel safe

Matthew = so you dont feel safe with me ? Talk about trust issues

Maddie = stop you know its not that

Matthew = whatever imma go out

Matthew leaves and i stay in the room. Wtf happened . His personality changed out of nowhere . What did i do wrong ? I cry on the floor . Seems like im always a mess. Everytime everything seems to go good for some reason it gets ruined

(Matthew goes to camerons room )

Matthew = sup

Cameron = where is maddie ?

Matthew = in the room , she is being dumb

Nash = why ?

Matthew = she is still tripping over what happened at the meet and greet . She doesnt want to leave the room

Taylor = thats normal idiot . I would be scared too . She isnt used to this shit

Jack gilinsky = dumbass go with her

Matthew = and say what ?

Jack johnson = idk maybe be there for her ! Like a true boyfriend

Carter = dude go !

Matthew = tbh she is so clingy

Hayes = you have got to be kidding . Even i know you are wrong

Cameron = The only reason she is here is because you invited her ! She isnt even clingy ! You are lucky to be with her matt ! She needs you right now

Matthew = im not going with her ! So all of you stfu

Cameron = well then i am going with her .

The boys follow cameron and matthew is left with carter alone in the room . It was time for both of them to have a bestfriend talk

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