Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Matthew = so what are we doing here ?

Maddie = we are going on a picnic (reaches for the basket that has the food and then gets out the car , matthew follows)

Matthew = well this is something different .

I took out a blanket and sat down, he sat down beside me . We ate and started talking about him going to San Diego with the boys for a meet and greet .

Maddie = that seems exciting !

Matthew = yeah it is .. And well i wanted to invite you to join us

Maddie = are you serious ? Of course !

Matthew smiled at me and something was just not right . He was acting different . Its like he was here but his heart and mind wasnt .

Maddie = whats wrong matt ? (Holds his hand)

Matthew = your words keep repeating on my mind . I cant let it go

Maddie = ( takes a deep breathe ) but you have too . every relationship has its downs and its important to let it go in order to move on .

Matthew = i know its just hard .

Maddie = well how about you remember this . ( lay down and see the clouds ) You , matthew espinosa , are the most important human being in my life . I would be so lost without you . When people are mad we say stuff we dont mean too . And that was a mistake i will have to live with the rest of my life . But for right now ill try to do the best to make it up. Everytime you look at the sky remember that no matter how dark life can get , we will always find the bright side.

Matthew = you are the best ! ( they hugged and kissed ) look that cloud looks like a turtle !

He pointed at a cloud that looked nothing like a turtle . I laughed at him and he tickled me .

Her or him ?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora