Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

So my dad told matt i was depressed because of what happened with leen . I wasnt depressed at all but if that meant matt would be able to stay over ill act depressed . Me and matt go up to my room and lay down on my bed . He was telling me about how i deserved a better best friend than leen . I really didnt feel like talking about her , but i guess matt did. I listened to what he said but i stayed quiet . He noticed and turn towards me and pulled me into him .

Matthew = you are so pretty , you are perfection .

Maddie = (blushes) thanks

Matthew= promise me you want talk to leen again

Maddie = (rolls her eyes and moves away from matt) i cant promise you that , we have been best friends since forever

Matthew = dont you notice how fake of a friend she is ?!

Maddie = shh matthew . I dont want to talk about it right now

Matthew left my room , i dont understand why he gets like this . He shouldnt care about leen . But then i understood it wasnt about her she cared about , it was me . Either way he had to understand it wouldnt be easy to just let go of my friendship with her . I walk downstairs and i see matthew sitting in the living room on his phone . I sneak from behind and whisper in his ear " are you still mad at me ? "

Matthew = im not mad maddie , its just i dont want to see you hurt .

Maddie = i wont get hurt though , i know what im doing trust me

Matthew = i trust you .. ( he looks at her and tries to kiss her but she laughs and moves her cheek )

Matthew and i talk for a while downstairs and then i take him up to the guest room . He tried to kiss me again but i ran to room and locked the door . He laughed and said "it will happen soon ."

Her or him ?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora